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10 Jul 2010, 8:41 pm

Am I the only one here who finds "the troll hunters" more annoying than the trolls themselves?

There seems to be a high ratio of threads on this site I read, compared to others I visit, where someone has been accused of being a troll. Seems to me, all someone needs do here is word a topic wrong or express a view the majority don't agree with and the thread is jumped on by "the troll hunters"and filled with pictures of trolls, posts making petty snipes and ones nit picking grammar and spelling etc. that no one wants to read and the thread is trashed of any hope of intelligent conversation. There are more legitimate threads I've seen this happen to than I've seen troll threads.

Even if some are trolls YOU DON"T HAVE TO REPLY. You can just click the mouse and the window is gone. Personally I'd rather put up with the occasional troll thread rather than see so many legitimate threads trashed by "troll hunters".

Am I alone here or do others feel the same?

Peace ellomo


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10 Jul 2010, 8:51 pm

I agree with you. If I feel that somebody is being unjust in a thread of some sort, I just move on to another thread. There are hundreds of threads on WP, at one time. If I feel that somebody's being a troll, I find other threads, to post on.

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10 Jul 2010, 8:56 pm

It's against the rules here to call other people trolls and I reported one of the threads just recently where the OP was being called one in.

I also get very annoyed with people calling other people trolls when they don't like what someone has said or they were too vague or weren't specific enough or they posted something they thought was irrelevant to the topic or they just didn't like their opinion. Seriously, this is not what troll means.

And I heard back in 2008 when people call other people trolls when they aren't are trolls themselves. I don't know why. Maybe that person is just misusing the word too?

I think replying to someone whom you think is a troll is trolling. I mean why replying to someone if you think they are trolling? It's obvious then you don't think they are one even if you have called them one. I don't see the logic in replying to someone who is trolling. All they want is attention and if you respond, they got what they wanted. But some people do like trolling trolls back so maybe that is what they are doing? But I think people just throw that word around for the reasons I listed.I find it pathetic. Heck I can start calling people trolls when they say things I didn't want to hear or what I don't like or if they aren't getting what I am saying or didn't listen to what I said in my post. :roll:

If you see the word being thrown around, just report it to the mods.


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10 Jul 2010, 9:04 pm

I believe that some people find the troll threads good fun. Why do feel the need to complain? Take your own advice, click away

Hmm, I do sympathise with you over the good threads that get trashed. I have no answer to that.

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10 Jul 2010, 9:17 pm

:lol: :lol:


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10 Jul 2010, 9:19 pm

League_Girl wrote:
It's against the rules here to call other people trolls ..........
.........If you see the word being thrown around, just report it to the mods.

Oh ok, I didn't know that. Thank you.

Peace ellomo


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10 Jul 2010, 9:24 pm

Moog wrote:
Take your own advice, click away...............

I do, but it gets a bit annoying having to do it so often with threads there was no need to until the "troll hunters" trashed the tread.

Moog wrote:
Hmm, I do sympathise with you over the good threads that get trashed. I have no answer to that.

That's the only issue I have.

Peace ellomo


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10 Jul 2010, 10:06 pm

I like to write long diatribes to some trollish posts, but once I can see all my anger on the page I hit the back
button and never submit, sometimes just writing to myself is enough too prevent saying something stupid


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11 Jul 2010, 1:36 am

I understand. Though, I guess I have a little angry hunter in me to. This person whoes calling someone with different grammar a "troll", needs to get offline and go get a life, in my oppinion.


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11 Jul 2010, 12:01 pm

I don't see how it makes someone a troll when they have poor spelling and grammar. I have seen people with dyslexia being called one just because their spelling wasn't perfect. :roll:

I have also seen people being called trolls for joining a forum and asking too many questions.

I have seen people being called trolls just because they are unique and have a very kinky interest or different opinions than lot of people.These people tend to say things lot of aspies don't want to hear so they see that person as a troll.

And the irony I see here is aspies have complained about being misjudged and mistreated just because they're different but they turn around and do it to someone else here who is different than lot of users here such as me. I have been told I was called a troll here and I assume for these reasons. I don't get it. I think it's just human nature to think badly of someone when they're different than you and than lot of other people. It's not an NT nor an aspie thing. And also they can call other aspies trolls for their own issues which is also ironic because they complain about being mistreated for their AS but yet they turn around and do it to someone else for their issue. What is wrong with the picture here?


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11 Jul 2010, 12:13 pm

Yeah, sometimes I've seen people who are being completely earnest called trolls. That's a shame I think.


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11 Jul 2010, 9:02 pm

Let's get our rifles! :lol:

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11 Jul 2010, 10:16 pm

Even though I posted a picture too, I removed it...because well, I realized it was inappropriate and I'm just not that kind of person. Now I just don't comment on the threads.