If I don't have any commitments that require a regular wake-up time (like school or work), my sleeping schedule fluctuates all the time. I go to bed an hour later each day, get up an hour later each day, and eventually become completely nocturnal, then gradually diurnal again. When you start going to bed at 1pm and waking up at 2am, that's when your life feels really strange. Sometimes I stay awake for 48 hours or more, then sleep for 16 hours and repeat.
What's worse, when I did have commitments like school, that required me to set an alarm for 8:30am or so, I would STILL procrastinate going to bed until I was shattered at around 4 or 5am. During my school career I was sleep-deprived throughout. I was a dayboy at a boarding school, and I didn't get home until 9pm. Because I didn't think of school time as "real" time (I've recently discovered this is an Aspie trait), I considered my day to begin at that point and I stayed awake in order to get the free time I required.
If songs were lines in a conversation, the situation would be fine.