I hate summer because it is hot and hard to breath. I hate summer because I hate to sweat. I hate summer because I don't wear shorts, so I wear jeans, and then I get thigh sweat and feel like I peed in my pants all day. I hate summer because I'm terrified of bees. I hate summer because I have allergies and I spend the entire season scratching and being itchy. I hate summer because it no longer means summer vacation, it just means working the same as every other freaking day. I hate summer because a lot of times the sun is too bright and it hurts my eyes. I hate summer because I hate humidity because it makes me feel moist all the time, and not only do I hate feeling moist, I just really hate the word "moist". I hate summer because people arrange events where you have to eat outside, and I hate eating outside. I hate summer because I always want to swim and submerge myself in cold water, but I won't because I don't go into public pools. I also don't go into lakes or streams or rivers or oceans. On a positive note, this summer my mom's friend is opening her backyard pool, which she keeps compulsively clean and sanitary, and it's not open to the public or anything. But I still hate summer. I hate summer because all the stupid parents of kids in school call my bookstore asking if we have their kid's summer reading books, and the kids never do it themselves. I hate summer because the stupid kids complain about having to read, when I would be happy to have the time they have to lounge around and do nothing but read. I like summer because at least I don't have to drive in snow, but that's the only reason I can think of right now.