First, I found this online:
The term feral is sometimes used to refer to an animal that does not appear friendly when approached by humans; however, hissing and growling are self-defense behaviors, which, over time, may change as the animal begins to trust humans that provide food, water, and care. The word feral may be a misnomer particularly when used to describe domesticated species such as dogs and cats, as it is associated with the misconception and erroneous belief that these domesticated animals cannot adapt and become a friendly house pet.
My wife and I have an 8-year-old female tiger cat left in our care while she was still a kitten. She had been lost or abandoned at birth and was found in a pile of sawdust under a large table saw at the end of a work day where my son-in-law works. This cat was completely silent for at least her first year, and we all speculated she might have been deafened by the extreme noise of that saw. Her name? My wife and I just call her “Cat” or “Kitty” or “Little Kitty”. She has never been outdoors and has never spent any great amount of time around any other cats.
Until just recently, she would occasionally seek attention, especially from me, but spent most of her time alone. She has always seemed to be afraid of just about everything, and I have made a concerted effort over a long period of time to let her know she is safe with me ... and now it seems there is no way to give her enough attention to satisfy her requests/demands/need for same. When I go outside to smoke, she often comes to the door and waits for me or even cries a bit and scratches at the door until I come back inside ... and then she will cry for attention – her dishes are full – and even lay down and block my path to try to get some.
She and I play together often by “boxing” a bit or gently slapping paws/hands. She will occasionally come and jump into my lap when I call her to do so, and I can occasionally pick her up and place her there. However, she will not stay for long before jumping out and running off, and sometimes she will hiss and even snap (bite) at me before running away.
She has recently picked up an infestation of small bugs, possibly fleas, here in Louisiana, and there is no way we could possibly keep her still to apply anything to kill them. She could really benefit from an overall grooming, but she would have to be sedated for anything like that. My wife and I are planning to talk with a veterinarian today to see what someone might be able and willing to do for her ...
Any suggestions here?
I began looking for someone like me when I was five ...
My search ended at 59 ... right here on WrongPlanet.