Orchunter88 wrote:
I wasn't asking about personal experience actually. But anyway thanks for sharing. Anyone else has anything to say? I wonder why this thing (that idea, not my post) hasn't gone viral yet?
If the idea is "why are we not using brain scans to diagnose behavioral and mental problems?" then, yes, I have something to say: Why aren't we? The evidence from the Amen video (which I posted about elsewhere before I saw your thread) seems to be very compelling that some behavior and mental functioning problems CAN very much be seen when using the right kind of brain scan. Amen uses a radioactive isotope, which disturbs me and is why I would not have one. But there are a lot of other types of brainwave "reading" devices out there that work in other ways.
Yesterday, I heard a report on NPR Science Friday program (OK, two days ago...) about a doctor in Italy who has invented a 'brain stethoscope" which translates brainwave activity into an audible, synthetic human voice sound. Wow! So fascinating. People with seizers, ADD, and some other conditions show extremely different sounds. The "normal" people's brains sounding sort of like a steady 'ohmmmm' like sound, and the epileptics like a recoding that is stuck in a repetition of groans. Hard to explain in words. You have to hear it and I think it is archived at the shows website.
I waited to hear the interviewer ask about diagnosis of mental illness or AS using this device, but strangely, he didn't. (The device is still awaiting FDA approval.)
Since the technology for using brain scans to evaluate people with behavioral and mental challenges obviously exists and is not being widely used for diagnosis , my next question is, is someone perhaps being served by suppressing it? Maybe a multi-billion dollar industry of psycho-babbologists, pharmaceutical companies, etc. etc who are already "tooled up" to deal with these things using less objective methods?