The one thing about this site that really irritates me is the lack of self-appreciation. So many threads on self-hate and a whiney "How come nobody likes me?" A whiney "Why can't I get a date?" All this self-loathing seems to be predominately with the younger members....AND IT'S A DARNED SHAME!! So what you're neurologically different? Some of you people take all of the negative experiences you have and hang yourself with them! DO you even realize that you're doing it to yourself? When you gonna' stop this? All this self-pity! It's rather sickening. Look, people in general will always hate each other no matter what. So, if you are happy or sad, they'll still hate you so why don't you just be happy and live your life to its own greatest potential even if it is to spite those that loath you. Is there someone on this site you want to get to know better? Then freakin' do it already! You want to ask someone out? Do it. So what you get rejected?! What are you going to do? Curl up and die!! Sometimes depression can be a sort of self-indulgence. One more important thing: If the NT world at least let you get close enough to observe their inner workings, you'd see the snottery, the jealousy, the infidelity, all the vices. Our purity in deed and logic in thought shame them. Because we can't play their deceitful games, we get marginalized. If one of you youngins start your stupid self-loathing again, I'll give you a serious, theoretical butt kickin'. Grow the F up!! !
Do what you must? Lose weight! Lift weights! Find work!! Just stop wallowing in your disgusting self-pity that the NT world sep up for you just because your simplicity and purity made them feel ashamed. Remember, walking upright to the beat of a different drummer is better than traveling in a vicious, hungry pack. We are evidence of the new evolution. We are the ones that will survive the technological world that we alone have created. This is our world now. The NT's that hate us can go get stuffed. Get tired of being tired.