Ok, How about this. People can google Hornby Island eagle and get it. Site is in memory of Benn Kramer, who died last October in an accident. He was autistic.
"---- Live Video of Bald Eagle nesting ----
----- 1st egg laid March 21 at 5:45 PM
----- Second Egg laid: March 24.
Nest Site - Bald Eagle Nesting -- Live Streaming Video from Hornby Island, British Columbia
(The site is LIVE during daylight but rebroadcast when the eagles are sleeping.)
The eagles are on private property and completely safe and undisturbed.
HATCHING is due: April 26 and 30. ((provided that lightening does not strike her or the crows and ravens don't steal them! -- we will keep our fingers crossed. I heard a crow calling on my monitor yesterday and I instantly yelled "go away" -- how easy to get absorbed! ...."