The majority of my dreams take place either at high school or the mall. These places feel familiar, but they look absolutely nothing like they do in reality. They are much bigger than normal buildings with a huge number of stores/rooms. The walls are often painted or have fliers covering them. Sometimes I see family members or former classmates.
In the high school dreams, I am always looking for either a classroom or the counselor's office. Most of the time I don't find it. When I do, I am almost always late. Sometimes I purposely ditch class to go to the art room to work on a project. In the mall dreams, I go from store to store looking for a specific item, usually a DVD or an action figure. I never find what I look for.
I also have a lot of dreams in which I make up with my former childhood friend (long story as to why we stopped being friends). Her reactions to me vary - most of the time she is neutral towards me, but open to the idea of being friends again. Sometimes she is very eager to become friends with me again. Rarely, she hates me as she likely still does in reality. If we end up being friends in the dream, I go over to her house for a sleepover. Her house looks nothing like it did in reality - It's a cross-section of a two-story house, much like a doll house. I always tell her about my current special interests and ask her if she likes them too, as we shared common interests as children. Most of the time she's never heard of the things I am interested in.