mrluckybob wrote:
Friskeygirl wrote:
Sure you can have bbq's and eat cake. maybe have Qur'an bonfires while waving flag
I must say your comment was the most idiotic sentence I scan through on this site. So I must draw the conclusion that you was not conscious or caring to your fellow Muslim wrongplanet members
when you wrote this. I'm aware that you're young and by any chance you was joking; you have to consider your jokes before you say them, ( this reminds me of gay jokes everyone say they are just harmless but they promote hate.)
You obviously can't understand sarcasm, which I can understand given your lack of comprehension with your previous incarnations
"Sarcasm is “a sharp, bitter, or cutting expression or remark; a bitter jibe or taunt"ruveyn wrote:
By a National Holiday, I assume you mean a Day of Rememberance.
Hard to find a reason to celebrate such a day, its a nightmare even after 9 years, I can't imagine what was going though peoples minds seeing this first hand
Last edited by Friskeygirl on 12 Sep 2010, 12:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.