I girl I was just barely beginning to court in high school thought head games and playing hard-to-get were fun things to do. I didn't and dropped her like a hot potato. (We'd shared a few hugs, ONE kiss - nothing else.)
She didn't like me not "playing the game" so she spread vile rumours about me for months until I finally had to flee the school for my life because the whole football team was waiting to beat me to death (no exaggeration.)
Not long after that I was called to come in to the police station because she tearfully accused me of grabbing her privates, etc. Being an aspie, my strange presence just said "guilty" to them, so they sent me to court. In court, my oddness (and the fact my case was on the anniversary of a massacre of many women) my case was made a political statement to "all men everywhere" and was sentenced to far more than the law dictated for a boob/crotch-grabbing offense should be. 9 months in prison.
The only good news in all of this was that I was placed in solitary confinement so I wouldn't be raped, and that the crown prosecutor (her defender) was the one to think it was a grave injustice and find me a new lawyer! I still stayed in that prison for ~2 terrifying weeks with human animals before getting let out pending a retrial (and hefty bond!) The case would eventually be thrown out, thankfully on the panel of 3 judges, the woman was the one who saw the girl's actions for exactly what they were, and that tears alone are not proof of any crime!
The travesty and financial loss would affect me for many, many years.
Small wonder I have such an extreme distaste for false accusation!
Where is SHE now after all this? A political science master and CEO of two different (tiny but slightly profitable) businesses. Living high on life, burning through two husbands and working on #3, and trying to be center-stage whenever she can. For her, manipulating people is both fun and profitable.