Kittens will be kittens, and basically you need to be patient, and wait for him/her to mature. If you're in an apt., it's harder than if you have a house with an extra room. We have a "cat room", which has a litter box, water & food, cat tree, etc. And no furniture that can be clawed or damaged, and no carpeting. My wife lets them out & around the house, but if they start getting too wild, they go back in their room for awhile. If you aren't in a place where you can do that, I'd recommend removing anything from their reach that could hurt them, and POSITIVELY have NO candles lit! They will knock the candle down and start a fire. Be sure to have a large cat tree, and put catnip on it if they don't seem to want to play on it. Once they get accustomed to scratching and climbing on their cat tree, they should stop attacking other upholstered furniture, etc. But again, kittens are kittens, and they will misbehave until they're about 2 years old. Also keep plenty of cat toys around, and if they start messing with something they're not supposed to, put a cat toy in front of them and get their attention refocused.
My experience is that you can't really "train" a kitten, other than to be very punctual with feeding times, and make the kitten know that he/she will be fed every day at the same times, without fail. That prevents roaming and running away, and if they do get out, they'll most probably come right home at meal time. The other good thing about kittens, is that it's VERY VERY rare that they'll have an accident on the floor, in stead of going outside (or using a litter box). If they do have accidents, that can mean a health problem that the vet needs to look into.