I meant to post this yesterday, but when I went on the site, that meant I triggered the routine for looking at new threads on the forums and forgot what I was doing... multiple times. But I figure those of you with a religious bent will still appreciate the story.
Anyway, my sensory issues suck, and right now they suck more than usual. Lately I've been flinching away from people when they talk (or even sometimes just breathe). So yesterday I get up early to go to church for the first time in a while, and I go to the sanctuary, where, as usual, our priest is singing his part of the liturgy. Loudly. And there are deacons with him and the choir right behind me. It was much, much louder than the speech that's had me curling up in pain lately.
And the extent of my discomfort was to briefly think that maybe they could turn the volume down a little. It was really quite okay.
Funny how these things work sometimes.
I'm using a non-verbal right now. I wish you could see it. --dyingofpoetry