Have you ...
I need some help with a Swedish task.
We were going to walk around in the classroom, and talk to each other, but since I can't talk to people, I didn't manage to do this task. Please help me!
Question about this summer:
(It would be nice of you if you wrote what your name is, so I can write down you name after the question.)
Your name:
Have you ...
1. gotten a fish that weighed more than 0,5 kg?
2. canoed?
3. climbed up a mountain?
4. slept in a tent?
5. solved sudoku and crossword?
6. gone by carousel and eaten caramelas?
7. hugged a friend?
8. longed for school?
Best regards,
Don't know what sort of help you're looking for for this.
Do you mean that we can only answer "yes" to a question if we did it this summer? If so my answer is "No" to all of them! :lol
But if it doesn't matter when I did them then my answers are as follows:
1. gotten a fish that weighed more than 0,5 kg? I have never been fishing, and therefore never caught a fish.
2. canoed? No, but I have been in a few rowing boats, and once in a punt, and punted! :lol
3. climbed up a mountain? Yes, probably at least twenty times, in England, Scotland, Germany, and France.
4. slept in a tent? Yes, again, many times, in England, Wales, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Swaziland and S. Africa,
5. solved sudoku and crossword? Yes, not that often though.
6. gone by carousel and eaten caramelas? Yes to the carousel, a few times, in childhood mainly. I don't know what "caramelas" are? ... If they're toffees then yes, lots and lots over the years ( but not any more because I've given up sugar ).
7. hugged a friend? Yes, now and then with a few different friends.
8. longed for school? Never, ( not as far as I can remember anyway ).
This activity was designed I expect to be what folks around here call a 'mixer' which is designed to be a structure through which participants can get to know one another by asking questions of each other. I don't know if your teacher would accept responses from the internet, but I'm not there. I could be wrong.
Your name: (make one up)
Have you ...
1. gotten a fish that weighed more than 0,5 kg? Nope.. I don't fish often and onlycaught small fish. However I'm the one stuck cleaning the fish which I don't mind doing.
2. canoed? Yea, but not after was a teen. Before I did it now and then. My friend urges me that we get a canoe and I agree with her.
3. climbed up a mountain? Yea I have climbed up the mountain and the Longyear glacier. Part from the glacier it wasn't really steep but still was more than I normally do.
4. slept in a tent? Yea, I did it a lot when I was younger, in the woods or on festivals. These days less than once a year. I still like it. I love when I sleep and I hear the rain.
5. solved sudoku and crossword? I don't like sodokus much. I like Swedish crossword puzzles where there are no black squares and the words are woven together in more places.
6. gone by carousel and eaten caramelas? Not at the same time. Rode the teacups this summer and it was extremely fast spinning,and I used tricks to make it spin even faster. My friend got nauseated after that.
7. hugged a friend? My friend hugs me sometimes. I only hug her when she looks really sad or I don't like hugging people.
8. longed for school? No. every time school started when I was a kid I was sooooo upset.
I'm not Swedish, have never set foot in any part of Europe, but you are welcome to use my answers if it would help you complete your assignment.
1. gotten a fish that weighed more than 0,5 kg? I'm afraid not.
2. canoed? No, but I have kayaked several times.
3. climbed up a mountain? Well small mountains. Whenever I went with church youth groups visiting locations in the mountains of New Mexico, every afternoon when it wasn't raining hard, I would pick a hill and go see what was at the top. Often if another was on the other side, I would climb that one too. I did it to see what was there, and for the solitude.
4. slept in a tent? Many times when I was in Boy Scouts.
5. solved sudoku and crossword? I'm uncertain what sudoku is, but I have solved crossword puzzles. They are not a favorite activity.
6. gone by carousel and eaten caramelas? Not sure what caramelas is. Perhaps maybe caramel over pop corn or something? Been on a carousel a few times, but it isn't exactly a stimulating experience.
7. hugged a friend? Yes. Some of my friends greet one another with hugs. I give bear hugs, and often I don't want to let go of them right away. Hugs are like sustenance for me. I need them frequently.
8. longed for school? Public school was a very frustrating for me; not something I looked forward to at all.
Have you ...
1. gotten a fish that weighed more than 0,5 kg? No. I do not fish.
2. canoed? Yes. I have an Old Town canoe.
3. climbed up a mountain? Not in the normal sense. By car and tramway---yes. By cog railway---yes (Mt. Washington, NH).
4. slept in a tent? Yes. I used to collect tents.
5. solved sudoku and crossword? Only crossword.
6. gone by carousel and eaten caramelas? I have ridden many carousels (I love amusement parks). I have eaten carmels.
7. hugged a friend? I don't have close friends at all. But yes, I have hugged acquaintances like at a funeral.
8. longed for school? Not really. Since I am a school teacher, I have always been at school in a way.
"My journey has just begun."