I went to the grocery store for pet food today. I was holding up one of the large bags of cat food so the cashier could scan it easier, and she went to grab the bag and hit her hand against my thumb nail. I apologized because I would be horrified if someone's nail cut me. She wasn't cut, though. I keep mt nails squared off so they are never sharp. They are clean, white and not polished either. Anyway, he response was "you need to cut those claws!"
I felt bad for this, but wait- aren't long nails a pretty common thing? I keep them groomed, and I am a woman. I see guys with long nails too, but it is more common in females. I have mutant nails that grow so fast I can cut them all down this week and have them long again in about 10 days. They have always been this way and I have always kept them long- I mean about 1/4 inch past my fingertips, maybe a little longer if I let them go a while. Like I said- no points, filed smooth and square.
I know it may seem silly to start a topic, but what the hell? I have never had an accident with them before so I don't know what the proper response should have been. Maybe I was all out wrong for having long dangerous nails or something. Up north the women get these fake ones that look like talons, so mine seem fairly benign. I didn't even think to look at her nails!