RainSong wrote:
I had Barbies, but they tended to be kidnapped and/or swept away in tornadoes. Very rarely did they live happily ever after.
My brother had a very large collection of Hot Wheels. Unless they were going through complicated tracks, I wasn't overly interested. When they were on the tracks, they tended to fall though; I think that if they had gone through successfully each time, I would have been much more fond of them.
Overall, my favorite toys were horses. That was my special interest for quite a few years as a child.
I liked the fact that making interesting tracks that would work was challenging. My brother and I used gravity to start them (vs. an electric accelerator which came later) so the height of the start of the track was also a variable which we controlled.
"Reality is not made of if. Reality is made of is."
-Author prefers to be anonymous.