OK, I thought about posting this in the parenting forum, but it's not really an issue with autistic children...
My son, who is 3, has regressed back into a phase of intense separation anxiety. I mean, when his mom has to leave the house to run errands, he goes absolutely berserk, flinging himself on the floor, spazzing out, crying MOOOOOMMMYYYYYYYYYYY, and just completely shuts down. I've resorted to fairly extreme measures in the past, but obviously I haven't gotten very far with it.
So this week, we (his mother and I) made an interesting discovery. His mother was ready to give him the beat-down of his life after he had become really angry with her. So he was in "time-out" in his room, still screaming, after several minutes when I went in to talk with him. I explained that he was being bad and that's why mommy was acting the way she was. He insisted he'd done nothing wrong, but it was mommy who was being bad. So after a while, I get the "real" story from my son: Mommy had hurt his "cow." I said, "I see. OK, stay right here for a minute, buddy, while I go talk to mommy." So I explained the situation to Mom, after which we both went back explaining to him that we didn't know about the cow. Mommy apologized for offending the cow.
Fast forward to this morning. Just a little while ago, mom had to make an impromptu run to the grocery (we're out of that precious commodity--coffee!). She asks me if I want to keep him distracted so she can get away. I said, "Nah, let him scream," being the mean father that I am.
Well, it took about 5 minutes for him to notice mom was gone, so he stands at the window yelling (not crying yet) "MOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMYYYYYYYYY." I ask him to come to me so I could talk to him for a second. When he came up to me I explained that mommy had to go feed the cow. Problem solved. No screaming. No tantrums. We're good!
So I guess my question is this: While the "green cow" is a fun little game, helps my little boy deal with some issues by employing an "imaginary friend," just how far should we indulge this kind of thing? I personally don't see any harm in keeping it going until he outgrows it, but what do you think?