hale_bopp wrote:
Scrapheap wrote:
Is it considered bad form to post a bunch of pointless comments just so you can inflate your # of posts?? (Insert jokes here.)
Yes, it makes you a n00b.
If you don't want to be bullied on the internet, don't be a n00b.
Vinzer wrote:
Jesus, have you seen the General Autism board? It's ****ing disgusting.
bizarre wrote:
I agree with halle boop you have to be a real n00b to do that!
hale_bopp wrote:
Captain Brown is a spamming idiot.
Thankfully I'm not the only one who noticed how annoying Captian Brown's internet diarrhea was.
She posted over 50 times today alone!!
My only intent was to give Captian Brown a quick swat on the butt to let her know she was being an annoying kid. As long as she has something to say, I don't have a problem.
All hail Comrade Napoleon!! !