0: The "best" thing I experienced was all untrue, so I won't mention that.
1: A very important, very personal thread of mine, on another forum, had recently been requested by another member to be stopped, since she found it to be too controversial. It wasn't stopped. That was very positive.
2: I've managed to get a lot of free things, this year, from a few companies, just by being a bit clever. Then again, I was or am a customer with them, too, so they needn't complain that much.
3: I bought a robot that vacuums my apartment. It was expensive, but I like it a lot - it vacuums well, and it's fun to watch it work. I just hope it won't end up breaking. :/
4: I've taken several photos that are good enough to give me the chance to win some seriously good prizes, whenever I join some competition.
5: I'm pretty glad I found this forum.
6: A few reasonably good things that I don't want to mention, in order to not reveal my identity to some people who may end up reading my posts.
...I can't come up with anything else worth mentioning.