I've never really experienced patriotism either. I don't hate America, but I'm not about to kiss the soil and hate every other country for not being one of our states. Of course, like Squirrelrat said, I care about my counties welfare, but that's about as limited as I am when it comes to being patriotic. Never having left the country, it's impossible for me to become too biased since I don't have any sort of frame of reference to relate America to. It would be like preferring apples over pears when I've never tried both of them. Of course I know there are aspects of countries that are better or worse than others, but there are too many of those aspects which are themselves are too varied and opinion based to make one stand out as "#1". It's what makes me uncomfortable when I'm sharing the same space as fifty American flags, or when I see people painted in red, white, and blue chanting "U-S-A" over and over. Because these people that are acting extremely patriotic probably know as little about the world as I do, yet they seem to blindly love their own country to the point of looking down on all the others without a second thought. Patriotism may be fine in small doses here and there, but it excess it seems to work like some sort of vain, reverse stereotyping, as well as a reason for counties which we used to be more friendly with to become more anti-American. Sort of makes me long to visit the Neutral planet from Futurama.
Anyways, after watching the clip, I just found it a bit silly without feeling much of anything else.