kx250rider wrote:
I've always been very self-conscious of what condition my body is in, and I have always been embarrassed to go to the beach, or to places where it would be normal to take my shirt off. However, I don't feel that way if it's on "my terms". What I mean is, that I realized I have plastered pictures of me on the internet (here & elsewhere) showing off, and that somehow doesn't bother me. But I still get weird if it's a hot day and other guys are going shirtless... I still keep mine on. It's not that I have anything to hide; in fact I'm a bodybuilder with a washboard stomach, and in better shape than most in my age range (not intended as a boast; just as a qualifier). People do stare when I take my shirt off, and you'd think I'd like that, since I put so much work into it.
I can completely identify with this experience. I was ashamed of my body as looking too immature and too feminine so I took up bodybuilding and improved my physique a lot. But I was still shy about showing it and never took off my shirt in public. (I liked looking good with my shirt on, though, and if there were an Internet then, I would have shown the world.) Then I got tattoos on my arms and stopped wearing short sleeved shirts (in Florida!) because, from time to time, people said things (usually positive) about them. It seems my fear of being the center of attention was stronger than my fear of unworthiness to be the center of attention. Whether that's a specifically Aspie thing or not, I can't say.
Bottom line: you become less body conscious with age, and a good thing it is, too. I go shirtless when it's hot and if people don't like it, tough. At some point you realize that no matter how awful you think you look today, it'll be what you're nostalgic for tomorrow.