Yes, I am interested in why deferred rewards are pleasurable. The Long Term vs. Short Term pleasures.
Let's cut it down to see what we have:
- Happiness (the reward-meter)
- Time (Duration between stuff)
- Rewarding process (the cube of sugar dispenser)
- Conscientiousness (as expectation and experience of the reward)
That's a lot of possible combinations. I'll take happiness as the center of the reasoning:
-There are 2 totally independent forms of happiness: the happiness on each experience and the happiness about oneself
-The happiness of the experience is the one that can be modified by money (income as expenses)
-The happiness about your life is function of your memory, the happiness about your life and who you are
-Both are affected by conscientiousness (of the moment, of what you remember)
-Time DO NOT count for the intensity of happiness of one experience: happiness for 3 days of vacation = happiness for 30 days of vacation
-Happiness and pain of an experience is not a linear function, it is how a mixed experience ends that matters
-Of course everything is function of your rewarding process that can be malfunctioning too (like a cycle of low self esteem)
-Having no conscientiousness of the differences between the 2 kinds of happiness can mess the rewarding process: I won't fully enjoy the moment because I (wrongfully) think that I have a crappy life
I think meditation is good for many other reasons, rationalizing past mixed experiences to highlight the good moments and it is a pleasurable experience to have.