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do you miss kmart?
yes, i do. 32%  32%  [ 6 ]
no, there is still a kmart in my area. 42%  42%  [ 8 ]
no, the kmarts in my area have all closed/i've moved somewhere else that doesn't have kmart stores, but i don't miss the store. 26%  26%  [ 5 ]
i've never been inside a kmart 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
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11 Oct 2016, 9:44 pm

do you miss kmart?

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11 Oct 2016, 9:49 pm

I love Kmart. There is still one in my area but they only keep half of the lights on when it's open to save money. That worries me.

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11 Oct 2016, 9:55 pm

I kinda miss its heyday; it's sad that they are in such poor shape, K-Mart itself. We still have a store open where I am.


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11 Oct 2016, 10:36 pm

The one me & my girlfriend went to closed down last year. They were two that my parents went to but one closed down over 10 years ago & the other one is closing down soon. My parents went there like last week to get things reduced. I miss the 90s kMart cuz they were good & gave WalMart some competition. KMart has been going down hill sense then thou.

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11 Oct 2016, 10:55 pm

when I was in school, it was considered a social faux pas to be seen in a kmart store for some reason. but I went there and had no qualms. if it went out of business I guess i'd have to stick with Walmart then. as it is, I haven't lived anywhere close to a kmart since 2008. but if there was one around here i'd surely shop there.


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11 Oct 2016, 11:23 pm

We still have k-mart in Australia.
If I have to shop at a variety store, I shop at K-mart because they don't seem to change things around all the time like other stores do and things are logically placed without any huge partitions in the middle of the floor space like you find elsewhere. You can stand at one end of the store and see at a glance where everything is.
If I go to Big W or Target, I can't find anything.

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12 Oct 2016, 9:24 am

We still have Kmarts here, but I'm not sure for how much longer. I heard on the radio that they are closing a bunch of stores again. I usually shop there, Walmart, Target, and the local grocery store chain here.

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12 Oct 2016, 9:27 am

"Rain Man" put Kmart on the map.

I don't particularly "miss" any retail store. Ever.

They're just places to buy stuff.

I guess, in order to save Kmart, that a sequel to "Rain Man" should be made.


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12 Oct 2016, 10:19 am

Kmart closed down completely in Canada in the 90's. There's a Giant Tiger where the old one used to be now, but it's really not the same. :(


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12 Oct 2016, 6:34 pm

My memory of K-mart back in the 90's was that all the store sold was junk, pretty much what Zellers was before that crap store also went out of business. I don't miss either whatsoever.


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12 Oct 2016, 6:59 pm

Nope; the last K-Mart in my old city was very rundown and not a nice place to shop. I wasn't sorry to see it close down a long time ago.

There's one store I do miss -- it's still going strong but it's me who has moved to a country that doesn't have them: Target.

I LOVE Target. It's just nicer than other places and there's a nice design concept running throughout the Target-centric product lines.


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12 Oct 2016, 7:57 pm

I almost forgot it existed. O.o

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