If I was you I would hold on to that note you might be able to one day use it in court against him if he escalates the harrassment you can show that there was a whole series of abuse against you. You also need to prove that the management knew about it did not do enough especially if they know about your disability. Don't be afraid to sick some lawyers on him or your boss if they continue to laugh off or ignore the abuse they are handing out to you. I kick myself everyday for not doing it at the resteraunt I worked at I had hard evidence against my tormentors and did not sue them for the abuse they dealt out to me. Instead I did stupid immature stuff like spit in their food and drinks when they left them unattended. It felt good to do those things watching them eat or drink with whatever I spiked their stuff with but they never learned the lesson it is not right to torment someone for being different. You owe it to the next guy who could be tormented by this guy in the future buy sueing his pants off its the only way @ssholes learn to either hurt them or cause them great finacial lost. Even if he has no money you could have his checks garnished. Each time he cashes his check he will be reminded being a jerk will cost him in the long run.
bucephalus wrote:
I actually prefer the ones that are nasty to my face though
So do I so I know whose food and stuff to mess with.
You would not believe some of the stuff I did to my tormentors when left alone with their coats, food, and drinks.
There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. Some kind of high powered mutant never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die -Hunter S. Thompson