Post a theory. Post many theories. No matter what it is.

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Snowy Owl
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01 Jan 2011, 5:30 pm

One of my Aspie powers is Theorizing
I do it all day everyday
It can get tedious as I have no one to vent to
This is a thread I hope will take off with everyones help
Spill your brain here
Work together as an Aspie team and build on eachothers theories
Maybe by the 10,000th post we will have a Grand Unified Theory
I posted this in another thread but I will use it to kick off the thread:

I have a theory about why children pick their noses and eat it.

The nose is a filter
It colects dust and particles
These particles and germs and everything are then surrounded by mucus
Thats a booger
Eating of boogers is common knowledge so it must happen alot
And why is it so common if its not natural
Now the germs and things found in boogers might work as a sort of inocculation
Eating boogers might be a natural way of strengthening the immune system
Like letting them get dirty and play with other kids
If they dont get around germs they dont build antibodies
They get more sick more often

Let your children eat a booger or 2 it might be beneficial

Your turn

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01 Jan 2011, 7:10 pm

I think the comment that hit earth & killed off the dinosaurs was actually an alien space-ship that crashed into earth. Us humans are actually the aliens who forgot where we came from

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01 Jan 2011, 7:15 pm

now everybody else give it a go
or expand on something

Dont argue discuss
These are simply theories not hard facts being stated
and those are my intentions almost a thread guidline


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01 Jan 2011, 7:30 pm

As I understand it, a "theory" is a reasoned line of logical thought, backed up by verified facts and used to explain a larger set of phenomena.

Anything else is simply a crackpot notion.

Snowy Owl
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01 Jan 2011, 7:35 pm

CaroleTucson wrote:
As I understand it, a "theory" is a reasoned line of logical thought, backed up by verified facts and used to explain a larger set of phenomena.

Anything else is simply a crackpot notion.

And I gladly welcome them as well
Also allowed: Conspiracies
If you cant see past the simple idea that I just want people to post ideas of their own and have FUN then you are not allowed*

*No exclusions actually exist but dont be a downer

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01 Jan 2011, 7:44 pm

You attract what you give.

You attract what you think about.

You catch more flies with honey, than you do with vinegar.

Santa comes once a year, the true meaning of Christmas lasts all year long.

New Year's Day is a time to forgive and forget.

Every child is a gift from God.

You can never be too rich, or too thin.

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01 Jan 2011, 7:57 pm

CaroleTucson wrote:
As I understand it, a "theory" is a reasoned line of logical thought, backed up by verified facts and used to explain a larger set of phenomena.

Anything else is simply a crackpot notion.

I dunno whether to post my theory now.

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Blue Jay
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01 Jan 2011, 11:10 pm

I think that those whose ancestors are from cold climates tend to have higher IQ's than those whose ancestors came from warm climates. I don't have much solid proof but if you look at the globe most advanced/well off countries are located in colder or temperate climates (asian countries that are colder like China/Korea/Japan are better off than lets say Cambodia). When you look at most third world countries they tend to be located in warmer climates.

Note: Not trying to be racist or hurt anyones feelings.

Snowy Owl
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02 Jan 2011, 12:25 am

Moog wrote:
CaroleTucson wrote:
As I understand it, a "theory" is a reasoned line of logical thought, backed up by verified facts and used to explain a larger set of phenomena.

Anything else is simply a crackpot notion.

I dunno whether to post my theory now.

You should
I know people are people aspie or not
and people tend to have to be right and make others feel bad
She just wanted to let me know what a theory was and that I was wrong
The context though is hard to send through a computer to an aspie especially
Computers are Aspie
Here comes a theory of mine
We are the next evolutionary step kind of
We are the brains inside machines
Technology is the next evolution
We are evolving away from our bodies
Computers are taking over
And if you think about a car or a plane
They are basically mech suits we sit in and control
Neurodiverse individuals are the neurological component for our robot selves
Like in surrogates
This is also where my Aspies are evolving into floating heads theory comes into play

The Matrix is already happening
But not exactly
We created the machines/tech
Phones, Computers, etc.
Now we cant live without it
The technology that we need now controls our lives
Our talking, texting, whatever is what the devices are there for
Now we need to text and chat
The computers are useless without us so they "need us"
We are always plugged in like in the matrix as the "power source"
Good Sci-fi is like a metaphor for the way the world is to be
But mainly to show how things are now and how to avoid the scary future to be

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02 Jan 2011, 12:33 am

Shinji pulled NGE's entire story out of his ass.

Yes, I'm still alive.


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02 Jan 2011, 1:23 am

One person on DeviantArt had a theory that the Red Queen (from the 2010 Alice in Wonderland film) was pregnant but the baby was growing inside of her head, which explains why her head was so huge and why she was really temperamental. I thought that theory was awesome and I really wish I had thought of it myself. The person who thought of the theory didn't explain how the baby would've gotten inside there or how it would be born though. One thing I know for certain - The Knave of Hearts has to be the daddy! :)

I have a theory that in the 2005 version of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Willy Wonka knew from the start that he wanted Charlie to win the prize, so he carefully planned each one of the other kids' demises to make it so Charlie was the only one left. There is evidence to support this throughout the movie, but the biggest and most obvious one is after the Oompa Loompas finish singing about Augustus, the other characters discuss how the Oompa Loompas seemed to know it would happen ahead of time. Willy Wonka denies everything, but the way he denies it makes you think he's got something to hide.


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02 Jan 2011, 2:23 am

Without the cocky annoying person (Barney Stinson HIMYM, Dr. Cox Scrubs) on the show it would be half as funny and a third as long.

This is my guilty pleasure.


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02 Jan 2011, 3:30 am

nothing and nobody is totally worthless- one could always serve as a bad example.

if every living thing on earth wore a fart-collecting diaper, the world's energy needs would be largely satisfied bereft of any other energy source. but of course, i just pulled that one out of my ass.

Snowy Owl
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02 Jan 2011, 8:38 pm

auntblabby wrote:
nothing and nobody is totally worthless- one could always serve as a bad example.

if every living thing on earth wore a fart-collecting diaper, the world's energy needs would be largely satisfied bereft of any other energy source. but of course, i just pulled that one out of my ass.

Poop and Fart theories are some of my favorite
Well anything Poop and Fart

People dont realize the importance of poop
Poop and death
They both scare/bother people
Poop and Death are both alike in the way that they are the end of a cycle
When things die they become the lifesource for a new generation of life
Poop does too
From Poop and Death come beautiful Life
Humans as a whole
Like a large cellular organism (we are the cells)
We have a sort of hive thing going on
(We refuse to see we are animals too)
With new knowledge and technology we need newer minds that can be raised to learn it from the start
So like skin we shed old cells
If people dont die everyone will die from overpopulation
Medicine and medical tech and dietary info have made us live longer
We need to die
Not right now but someday
Maybe its my Aspieness
But why be sad its a happy thing
It means progress
Whether its good progress(on a human species level) or not
Thats not the point
Its progress none the less and thats all humans are meant to do
Progress and burn out
Like countless other species
I think the best scientists dont just base tests on a recent timeline
The longer the timeline
The better the patterns show up
The more accurate the info
So we cant believe we are the last and final word on life in this universe
Or even on this planet
If the past shows us anything we could go the way of the dinos
Global warming is a good example
We had a mini ice age about 200 or so years ago
Or something like that
The planet heats and cools
Sure industry came into play
But the bigger pattern shows that its likely a warming pattern that could become a cooling pattern
Who knows

I just discovered the show Conspiracy Theory: With Jesse Ventura
Its great watch it
The Green movement is a plot to form a world government
Its a misdirection
We are worried about changing
And healing the earth
And the people telling us this
Are proffiting in the billions
Its the new Illuminati

Water is also the new Oil
And will become harder to get and more expensive
And if what I gather is correct
All of this is tied to a plan to weaken the US economy
(Wallstreet are the pawns)
And China will be built into the new super power
The one world bank(I believe it was to be called The World Conservation Bank)
Will take over and all monies will be converted to one world money like the Euro in Europe
And the wealthy shadowy figures will take over
And I assume it will be a much darker version of Idiocracy(movie)

That was a long one
I feel like Issac in Heroes
I just blank out and type

Bye :hic:

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02 Jan 2011, 9:06 pm

Before I say this I just want to apologize in advance and say I'm not wanting to offend people here who are religous, but this is what I honestly think about all religion.

Religion is the source of much of humanity's evil. Since the beginning of time many horrible acts have been commited in the name of religion from war to genocide to witchhunts. All of these were done by people who were determined to prove their beliefs are the only truth in the entire world. Those who opposed their religion or they felt threaten their religion were gotten rid of and treated as if they were below humans. People can say "Oh but my religion says killing is wrong and those who kill aren't really part of my religion", but if you read between the lines of ancient scriptures like the Bible you can plainly see that they say it is OK to kill certain people. God does it, people who served God did it and were revered as heroes, and there were wars that resulted in bloodshed all in the name of a God and his son who claimed to love all humans. My point is that while most religions started off with good intentions, because everyone wants so desperately to believe there's an afterlife and a being who loves them even when nobody else does, there's always people who corrupt these things. Mostly sociopaths and narcissists who want to get everything they want at the expense of others and they lead these worshippers to follow them simply for the purpose of personal gain and nothing more. The fact that all humans yern for the truth to the universe makes them easy prey to manipulators who spread lies for them to strongly believe in order to control them and single out the minorities they have no use for, which is what leads to the unfair and downright cruel treatments of people outside these religions.

There is no true "peaceful" religion. All religions can be corrupt and re-wrote by the priests and kings to control and hurt others. Now I'm not an athiest, I like to believe there is an afterlife and a truth out there, but I believe if we all knew the real truth instead of having to rely on blind faith then humanity wouldn't have all the problems it does now. Maybe one day we will find the truth as to why we're created and what happens after death and then the world will be a much more peaceful place. But even if one person does discover the real truth, you have millions of people out there who would refuse to believe him because of their different religions and would probably try to silence him all in the name of blind faith.

Snowy Owl
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02 Jan 2011, 9:26 pm

Concepts can be pure People cannot
-Bobby Peterson 2011

When you plug humans into any equation
Efficiancy goes out the window
Too many strongwilled individuals
Pulling everywhich way
Stretching and tearing the original fabric of the idea
Making it a terrible ugly mess
Look at Communism and Socialism
Great concepts
Add People
Get terrible results

Also The bible and other books are re re re re re re re re re re edits and what not
Faith is a great concept I envy the faithful
I wish I could believe in something so strongly it led me through life
And also
The Jews and Muslims were one people
Until the 2 brothers in charge I believe
Went their seperate ways over a fight
Christ was a jew
He was probably a smart man
Said some cool stuff
But he didnt write it down his hardcore followers did
Extremists in a sense
And these followings became all the different christian religions
The words were interpreted by the dumb and the smart
The dumb followed
The smart made money off of it
And used their sway to become a political force
all 3 religions follow the same stuff except at the breakaway points

B.F.P. - L.B.F.L.
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