WOAH. All four pulled out on the SAME DAY? Aren't you a brave one then? I had 1 pulled at a time until the final two, which I had out at the same time. Normally for people I wouldn't recommend getting more than 2 out at once, and preferably to have them both on the same side of your mouth, because, then you atleast still have one side to chew your food with, when you can start carefully eating soft food. 4 out at once... wow, I imagine thats really challenging and more painful, but it does ensure you only have to go through the experience just once and get it over with - its just harder than it has to be.
Yours was a more complicated precedure too cause you had stiches? Damn. Mine were pulled out flawlessly, no pain at all, no stitches needed. The worst part about it I find is the healing process. First the bleeding, then when it stops bleeding you REALLY have to be careful you don't do anything to break the clot. Eating is hard.....
Well good luck with it, be careful with yourself. Remember, being paranoid and careful is better than having something go wrong. If a piece of your gum is flappin loose, you should get it looked at again.