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10 Feb 2011, 10:19 am

Who is on your list of the top ten worst people ever? For any reasons why they are the worst. And any person, dead or alive, be it evil dictators, terrorists, politics, celebrities or others.

1. Adolf Hitler
2. Josef Fritzl
3. Mark David Chapman
4. Osama Bin Laden
5. Gordon Brown
6. Justin Bieber
7. Joseph Stalin
8. Jenny McCarthy
9. Snooki
10. Paris Hilton


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10 Feb 2011, 10:26 am

Wow. A mass murderer is lower down the list than a post-pubescent pop icon.


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10 Feb 2011, 10:46 am

MasterJedi wrote:
Wow. A mass murderer is lower down the list than a post-pubescent pop icon.


Heh, priorities.

I'd put Blair in in place of Brown. Blair seems like he knows he's doing evil, Brown just doesn't have that same aura of self awareness. He seems like he's just in a mess someone else made.

I think Stalin and Hitler could vie for top, but I've only really heard stories about them.

It's really hard to say. I think probably the most evil people we don't even get to hear about, 'cos they sneak around in the shadows and put other people in the limelight to absorb the negativity.

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10 Feb 2011, 10:47 am

I'd be hesitant to include celebrities into any list of horrible people, because, as annoying as they might be, they're still pretty much harmless. The people who should be included in such lists should be people who have either committed mass murder or have displayed copious amounts of bigotry toward particular groups of people and/or have advocated or enacted institutionalized discrimination and oppression against those people.

What fresh hell is this?


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10 Feb 2011, 10:55 am

This list made me want to buy a machine gun.

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10 Feb 2011, 3:07 pm

1. Vlad the Impaler
2. Julius Caesar
3. Glenn Beck
4. Keith Olbermann
5. The guy who invented Caramello (nothing should be that delicious)
6. Sam Walton
7. The Chinese Government
8. Satan
9. Everyone who shops at Wal-Mart
10. Joel Schumacher

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10 Feb 2011, 4:18 pm

Put David Miscavage (Scientology current leader) and L Ron Hubbard (Scientology founder) in there. Also don't forget Pol Pot, Mengele, Himmler and I also nominate the 'Corporate fatcat' as essentially the source of all problems

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10 Feb 2011, 9:25 pm

Vigilans wrote:
Put David Miscavage (Scientology current leader) and L Ron Hubbard (Scientology founder) in there. Also don't forget Pol Pot, Mengele, Himmler and I also nominate the 'Corporate fatcat' as essentially the source of all problems

I was just about to say, "What about Pol Pot?" He goes so overlooked by westerners.

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11 Feb 2011, 11:59 am

right now, after all the other post's mentions, i can only think of one additional person- ann coulter- she is so cruel. oh, and ayn rand. both of those meanies are two peas in a pod. and dinesh d'sousa also can join them in that pod. i would not give those peas a chance. and ralph reed deserves a dishonerable mention, along with roy cohn, joe mccarthy, dick armey, clarence thomas, antonin scalia, jesse helms, jerry falwell- oops, that's eleven but who's counting here?


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11 Feb 2011, 12:17 pm

this might sound offensive so i'll apologise in advance and point out that i'm not denying the severity of the crimes against humanity many of these people are guilty of.... but, are they really that bad? don't get me wrong, generally i would maintain that doing anything unto others that you wouldn't willingly accept unto yourself is, for want of a better word, 'bad'.. i guess i'm questioning the criteria these people are being judged by and generally applying my questioning nature to the seemingly unquestionable.
food for thought perhaps..


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11 Feb 2011, 12:28 pm

Fudo wrote:
this might sound offensive so i'll apologise in advance and point out that i'm not denying the severity of the crimes against humanity many of these people are guilty of.... but, are they really that bad? don't get me wrong, generally i would maintain that doing anything unto others that you wouldn't willingly accept unto yourself is, for want of a better word, 'bad'.. i guess i'm questioning the criteria these people are being judged by and generally applying my questioning nature to the seemingly unquestionable.
food for thought perhaps..

i can only speak for my contribution to this theoretical online rogues gallery- all the mass murderers were already mentioned, so i could only add the ones who are/were guilty of murdering people's spirits, or murdering hope and joy and peace.


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11 Feb 2011, 12:46 pm

not sure i've understood auntblabby, is that an answer? maybe i'm slow today.
we could use Stalin as the example, as far as i'm aware he's responsible for something like 50million+ deaths? , so we can safety say he's not a compassionate altruist, right? but, well how 'bad' is he? maybe sounds like a silly question but i think there's room for debate and different opinions.
again, i'm really not trying to deny anything these people have done. just questioning everything as i tend to do.


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11 Feb 2011, 12:56 pm

Fudo wrote:
not sure i've understood auntblabby, is that an answer? maybe i'm slow today.
we could use Stalin as the example, as far as i'm aware he's responsible for something like 50million+ deaths? , so we can safety say he's not a compassionate altruist, right? but, well how 'bad' is he? maybe sounds like a silly question but i think there's room for debate and different opinions.
again, i'm really not trying to deny anything these people have done. just questioning everything as i tend to do.

ok, maybe you are thinking over my head and i am thinking under your head. i try everyday to get on people's level but i fail most of the time. this said, what i meant to say was that the low-hanging rotten fruit was already mentioned, so i mentioned the more subtle evil folk who were spiritual murderers. to me, what is worse than murdering a body, is murdering a spirit. all murderers do double damage, not only to their victims but to the spirits of the victims' loved ones as well. spiritual murderers, i believe, would murder physically if they felt the need to do so, [i would not put it past them] but they do enough damage already, by murdering the hopes and dreams and self-esteem of masses of peoples who did them no harm, via cruel words and the promulgation of cruel public policies. when you murder somebody's spirit, you make them less willing to live. when you have influenced a person to commit direct or indirect suicide, you have murdered them via indirect means, which still qualifies in my book as murder. IOW, "bad"= wanting to hurt people wantonly.


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11 Feb 2011, 1:16 pm

auntblabby wrote:
Fudo wrote:
not sure i've understood auntblabby, is that an answer? maybe i'm slow today.
we could use Stalin as the example, as far as i'm aware he's responsible for something like 50million+ deaths? , so we can safety say he's not a compassionate altruist, right? but, well how 'bad' is he? maybe sounds like a silly question but i think there's room for debate and different opinions.
again, i'm really not trying to deny anything these people have done. just questioning everything as i tend to do.

ok, maybe you are thinking over my head and i am thinking under your head. i try everyday to get on people's level but i fail most of the time. this said, what i meant to say was that the low-hanging rotten fruit was already mentioned, so i mentioned the more subtle evil folk who were spiritual murderers. to me, what is worse than murdering a body, is murdering a spirit. all murderers do double damage, not only to their victims but to the spirits of the victims' loved ones as well. spiritual murderers, i believe, would murder physically if they felt the need to do so, [i would not put it past them] but they do enough damage already, by murdering the hopes and dreams and self-esteem of masses of peoples who did them no harm, via cruel words and the promulgation of cruel public policies. when you murder somebody's spirit, you make them less willing to live. when you have influenced a person to commit direct or indirect suicide, you have murdered them via indirect means, which still qualifies in my book as murder. IOW, "bad"= wanting to hurt people wantonly.

maybe, but i wouldn't have suspected or suggested as such.
i guess i'm just trying to identify some kind of measure of badness, 'evil' or immorality. kinda like "was hitler 'worse' than stalin and if so why?" what makes these various acts wrong, i guess more logically than emotionally.. because my emotional response would be, i think, something like 'they're all bad it doesn't matter'.. hmm i'm not entirely sure what i'm asking, trying to analyse, define and identify why actions are bad and how their severity is or can be judged.? not sure if i'm making sense to anyone :/ also trying to guess what IOW means lol


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11 Feb 2011, 2:15 pm

Okay… I’d define evil, in part, as an unjust, considered act resulting in harm.

That isn’t adequate, but it will suffice for some of the folks listed above.

When you boil it down, most people call Hitler [a doer of] evil, not because he killed millions of people, but because they don’t agree with his reasons.

By contrast, Harry Truman ordered US forces to kill hundreds of thousands of Japanese civilians, but he is not considered evil by most because they feel his actions were justified.

Is that logical? Does that even begin to define good and evil in real terms? No, it does not.

The truth is good and evil, right and wrong, wonderful and horrible are just words used by irrational, fallible people. And, if you think about them too much, you’ll discover they don’t REALLY mean anything at all.

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11 Feb 2011, 3:44 pm

GoonSquad wrote:
Okay… I’d define evil, in part, as an unjust, considered act resulting in harm.

That isn’t adequate, but it will suffice for some of the folks listed above.

When you boil it down, most people call Hitler [a doer of] evil, not because he killed millions of people, but because they don’t agree with his reasons.

By contrast, Harry Truman ordered US forces to kill hundreds of thousands of Japanese civilians, but he is not considered evil by most because they feel his actions were justified.

Is that logical? Does that even begin to define good and evil in real terms? No, it does not.

The truth is good and evil, right and wrong, wonderful and horrible are just words used by irrational, fallible people. And, if you think about them too much, you’ll discover they don’t REALLY mean anything at all.

this, i think, is what i was looking for. or at least we're certainly getting close, thankyou GoonSquad.
i think it is often the intention behind the action that determines how just or unjust it is, though still seems difficult to measure. interesting, if somewhat macabre.