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08 Feb 2011, 9:50 pm

Folks, I'm wondering how you all like to spend your time online...when not here on WP...

What sites do you spend most of your time on?
Do you have your own web site or blog?
Do you chat on forums, chat rooms or IMing?
Are you a big online gamer?

Do you check a few sites and leave it at that?...or do you live online like me? :D


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09 Feb 2011, 12:39 am

Bloodheart wrote:
Folks, I'm wondering how you all like to spend your time online...when not here on WP...What sites do you spend most of your time on?

hmmmm, let's see....., wiki, various new-age, music downloads, but mostly adult sites.

Bloodheart wrote:
Do you have your own web site or blog?

nah, i'm too technologically challenged to even think about such a thing.

Bloodheart wrote:
Do you chat on forums, chat rooms or IMing? Are you a big online gamer?

see answer#2 above.

Bloodheart wrote:
Do you check a few sites and leave it at that?...or do you live online like me? :D

somewhere in between the two extremes.


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09 Feb 2011, 12:53 am

I spend too much time dawdling and procrastinating. If I have a five minute wait for something, I will spend that time surfing the net instead of preparing for something else. Sometimes I am productive online, but mostly not.

Do you have your own web site or blog?

I had one, but I let it die off. Thinking of starting another and keeping it focused on a topic.

Do you chat on forums, chat rooms or IMing? Are you a big online gamer?

I don't IM or chat very often these days. Games are too addictive for me to handle.

Do you check a few sites and leave it at that?...or do you live online like me?

A few sites is where I focus my recreational time. I do some actual research though that is more constructive.


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09 Feb 2011, 1:12 am

I don't have my own site but I do have a profile on an underground social site called Dark Starlings. They have forums & groups t.o

Other sites I go to regularly :arrow:
No Longer Lonely~ It's a dating site for people with mental illnesses/disorders/issues & you can select Autism/Asperger's in a check-box for diagnoses. They also have a forum. It's kinda small but it's growing.

Ace-Book~ it's an asexual dating site with a forum.

TheFuMP~ AKA "The Funny Music Project" is a site for comedy music & they have a few different artist. They have some free music or you can buy a subscription & DL it all. They have vids & stuff to but some of their stuff is very offensive.

Amazon, eBay. Torrent sites like ISOhunt & PirateBay.

I live online & spend a lot of time on forums. I do use Yahoo messenger & people add me from different forums & sites but few are ever online

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09 Feb 2011, 5:50 am

Bloodheart wrote:
Folks, I'm wondering how you all like to spend your time online...when not here on WP...

What sites do you spend most of your time on?

Spend a looot of time on WP. Bit on facebook and twitter. Various sites related to my current interests. Read a few blogs consistently.

Do you have your own web site or blog?

Yes, it's in my www at the bottom of this post, and I like to mention it at all available opportunities, but hopefully without being a total blogwhore.

Do you chat on forums, chat rooms or IMing?

Yes, I like chatting with my friends and strange people.

Are you a big online gamer?


Do you check a few sites and leave it at that?...or do you live online like me? :D

I do spend an inordinate amount of time on the internet!

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09 Feb 2011, 6:46 am

What sites do you spend most of your time on?

WP, Other AS/autism related sites, Second Life related forums and blog feeds, dating sites, real estate sites, YouTube.

Do you have your own web site or blog?


Do you chat on forums, chat rooms or IMing?

Yes I chat on forums (obviously). I dislike chat rooms. I have a small number of friends on MSN.

Are you a big online gamer?

I play Second Life but I wouldn't call myself a fanatic. These days I usually log in for 1 hour or so per night to check out something interesting.


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09 Feb 2011, 11:59 pm

What sites do you spend most of your time on?

The Igoogle chess gadget, Google, Wikipedia, WikiBooks, YouTube.

Do you have your own web site or blog?

I do not understand the point of blogs

Do you chat on forums, chat rooms or IMing?

The Igoogle chess gadget has a chat feature that i use.

Are you a big online gamer?

World of Warcraft.

Do you check a few sites and leave it at that?...or do you live online like me? :D

For the most part i live online. I do still eat food in real life.

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10 Feb 2011, 12:57 am

Folks, I'm wondering how you all like to spend your time online...when not here on WP...

What sites do you spend most of your time on?
yt, wp, hulu, wiki, pandora, yahoo, google, and other unmentionables.
Do you have your own web site or blog? nope
Do you chat on forums, chat rooms or IMing? i have started chatting on yahoo! chat from time to time.
Are you a big online gamer? nope

Do you check a few sites and leave it at that?...or do you live online like me?

well since i just got my internet back on thanks to a nasty virus after 4 days, i felt so disconnected from the world. and i started freaking out seeing how really lonely/lame/sad/predictable my day to day life is. but it felt good to know i didnt feel so bummed without fb. most people would be having panic attacks after 1 hour without fb in their lives!


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10 Feb 2011, 5:22 am

Bloodheart wrote:
Folks, I'm wondering how you all like to spend your time online...when not here on WP...

What sites do you spend most of your time on?
Do you have your own web site or blog?
Do you chat on forums, chat rooms or IMing?
Are you a big online gamer?

Do you check a few sites and leave it at that?...or do you live online like me? :D

Wikipedia, Khan Academy, Youtube,, and of course facebook :P
Yup, I think its called
Chat rooms only; IM is too instant
Neh, only play three or four times a year.

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10 Feb 2011, 2:11 pm

I check a few sites regularly; reading books and playing video games takes up more of my time than browsing the internet. Sites that I visit include,,,, and WP. Using blogs isn't for me, because I don't feel the need to spill the beans on my personal life. Don't IM or Chat either - to me, it just feels like another live social interaction (though I'll log into Facebook once in a while). As for online gaming, the games that generate a lot of usage are usually what I play; already prestieged in Black Ops, looking forward to Killzone 3's multiplayer.


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10 Feb 2011, 2:37 pm

What sites do you spend most of your time on?

This one, I need to diversify my portfolio

Do you have your own web site or blog?

Me and my ex built a website for her art work, I think my bro took it down cause she was linking to images on it and causing serious bandwidth hogging.

Do you chat on forums, chat rooms or IMing?

90% Forums. Haven't used chat rooms since I was at college. Use MSN messanger but I only speak to 2-3 people on there now don't have the time to use it.

Are you a big online gamer?

Some FPS, some PBEM.

Only MMORG I've ever really got into was World war 2 online Battlefield Europe

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12 Feb 2011, 12:47 am

I forgot to comment on a couple things :arrow:

I never played an online RPG. About the only online gaming I ever did was Yahoo pool with my ex & our circle of friends years ago. I seldom play video-games nowadays; don't like focusing.

I seldom go to chat rooms. I have had a lot of group chats on Yahoo messenger with my ex & our circle of friends years ago thou. I much rather chat with people one on one or a small group chat thing than a chat room. They have lots of people coming & going & I feel like I'm walking in during the middle of conversations. I have problems focusing on the different conversations & keeping track. It takes me a while to type things out & word em in a way that I feel makes sense. I'm also very shy in group settings.

I obsessively check Miranda Cosgrove's official website & a fan site every couple hours because I have a mega huge crush obsession on her~

"I don't have an anger problem, I have an idiot problem!"
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12 Feb 2011, 2:54 am

wikipedia (I'm a student there) and, (future study) (local events, gigs and more)

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