Once upon a time, there lived someone called Riley. He was the ruler of a small kingdom, which had happiness in its own right, along with magical powers and supernatural beings. One day, he decided to go down to the forest, which had candy on the trees and an ice cream river. He swam in the river and took many of the candy. Returning to his castle, he decorated it with the candy. Shortly afterward, he told his people that they were throwing a 2-day party and celebration in honour of him and his people.
They complied, and partying soon broke out. Everyone had loads of fun, celebrating and dancing, even eating and drinking too much. The next day, everyone was worn out, and Riley went back down to the forest, wondering what would happen next....
Thought I would make this completely random story since I have reached 100 posts here on WP. Had many fun here, now to get more posts done