I work at a coffee shop, and I'm pretty sure an Aspie woman came into my work today; I just had that sense.
She came in with some knitting gear. I asked her what her name was because I hadn't met her before (this is a local coffee shop) and she said that she didn't want to touch me because she had a cold a week ago. She than apologized beforehand and asked for tea at a colder-than-hot temperature with two bags in it. I thought that was adorably specific, so I made some really strong well-steeped tea before I put a few ice cubes in it. She also wanted some food, but was again oddly specific about it and asked me to make something with some vegetables and starch. I made her a vegetable bagel. She approved.
She saw a DVD I put on (some obscure live Indian music DVD) and she was in awe about it, She then started telling me about some strange music notes and beats that made her happy. She sat and calmly explained who the people were and what instruments they were playing. Her knowledge of music and the math she explained to me regarding each complicated hand drum beat astounded me, especially since I don't even think she played hand drums.
She then washed her hands and came back to shake my hand. I offered her some candy, and she picked up each one in its wrapper and thoroughly inspected each piece to see which one would be the best to eat for like five minutes. After that, she knitted and watched my drum show.
She then said, "I am happy." and walked out. Awwwe!
I hope my girl Spock comes back in again and orders another luke-hot tea! Does it seem like she was a little on the Aspergers side from my description?
The greatest wealth is to live content with little.