sc wrote:
UFO’s & Space Beings: Extraterrestrial Intelligent Life Forms (POLL)
Topic Starters:
1. Do you believe or think it is fact that aliens have visited the planet earth? Perhaps somehow influencing mankind in some way?
Its possible. Id say it was far less likely had there been no evidence to suggest that they had. "Greys" are the single most likely form of alien life in the universe, since its the only form we have any sort of evidence of since those were allegedly the bodiesthey found in Roswell, anything else would just be a wild guess.
2. Have you ever seen in the skies at night or even in the day UFO’s which defy current technological capabilities known to man? If you have, what do you believe they are?
Im not sure about "which defy the current technological capabilities of man", but EVERYONE has seen U(nudentified) F(lying) O(bject)s at some point or another.
3. When viewing the television, with proclaimed evidences of both UFO’s and separate space beings, what is your conclusion concerning at this time?
That there COULD be some truth to it, but its probably just a hoax, people trying to get that little piece of fame.
I'd like to see a precedent of intelligent terrestrial life before I make any such speculations.
lmao yeh if theres no intelligent life on Earth, what are the chances there is elsewhere? ^_^;;
Oh, and George Bush is living proof that life on Earth ISNT intelligent
Chronicles of the Universe: Sons of Earth Volume 1 - Bounty Hunter now at 98 pages! Ill update this sig when it gets published.
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