Moog wrote:
Well done! What did you do exactly?
Attended a training event with Greenpeace, been involved with on-line activism for Greenpeace and the Zeitgeist movement.
Online and in person I speak a lot about sustainable farming, the wasteful profit driven cyclical consumption cycle, renewable energy, toxins in every day products, over fishing.
The key is to promote solutions without coming across as the stereotype of "I want you to live in the stone age"
I encouraged friends and family to start recycling more and take notice of the environment.
Sent letters to local government and got recycling facilities installed right outside my building for me and 30 other flats / apartments to make use of.
I have been composting organic waste so that it does not not end up in a land fill to mix with metals and plastics, and then into a toxic sludge.
Posted leaflets door to door for the Scottish Green party.
Started volunteering at a place which collects and sells on unwanted furniture and house hold stuff which is in good condition, for a low price.
The same place i volunteer at is about to start a curb side recycling service.
I am going to college to study a science course which is just basic biology, chemistry and physics, then hopefully move onto environmental sicences or physics point.
That is all i can think of.
I honestly think there are many people out there who do more than i do, but getting nominated for this was just a stroke of luck because most people have not heard of this.
Award ceremony is down in Edinburgh. Dreading being under pressure in front of people I don't know, but it should be worth it.
<Insert meaningful signature here>