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15 Mar 2011, 1:07 pm

this place is for those who like to make things,do things/create things.
please take a picture of what you made or created and post it here.
you can post anything here as long as you or a group you were in created it.
examples include:
-short story
-model airplanes,cars,trains,soilders e.t.c. (as long as you put them together/painted them)
-LEGO or something along those lines
-a knitted blanket, jumper, scarf e.t.c.
-something made completely from scratch...
-a carved sculpture ...wood,
-some other sculpture
-a photograph you took (this place is good too--perpetual photography--
- clothes that you made yourself
-a contraption of some sort
-CAKE! or any other scrummy dish...
-your genius invention
-a map you made...
.....the list could go on and on but im afraid I will run out of space

have fun! :D

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15 Mar 2011, 1:15 pm

this is an unfinished model of a castle.


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15 Mar 2011, 1:33 pm

I have quite a few little projects. They include building my dollhouse, then starting to work on my jigsaw puzzles, making a Romanov family tree with all the grand dukes/grand duchesses, and my current reading projects are Asimov's extended Foundation series, Mrs.Murphy series, Plaidy's Queens of England/Stuart novels, and From Splendour to Revolution. And of course, watching the entire Monk series, as well as Law & Order CI(the ones on dvd, anyway, for now), and Pokemon, and adding to my collections.

"Of all God's creatures, there is only one that cannot be made slave of the leash. That one is the cat. If man could be crossed with the cat it would improve the man, but it would deteriorate the cat." - Mark Twain


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15 Mar 2011, 1:39 pm

persian85033 wrote:
I have quite a few little projects. They include building my dollhouse, then starting to work on my jigsaw puzzles, making a Romanov family tree with all the grand dukes/grand duchesses, and my current reading projects are Asimov's extended Foundation series, Mrs.Murphy series, Plaidy's Queens of England/Stuart novels, and From Splendour to Revolution. And of course, watching the entire Monk series, as well as Law & Order CI(the ones on dvd, anyway, for now), and Pokemon, and adding to my collections.

cool do you have a picture of the dollhouse!! :D

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15 Mar 2011, 4:52 pm

Cool castle, dead. I can't think of anything that I could post.

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15 Mar 2011, 5:03 pm

I'm working on a chain shirt, but I don't have a camera handy so no pictures.

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15 Mar 2011, 5:09 pm

well, I do have a game that I'm on/off with.

This has maybe a total of 20-30 hours of work or so.

It's supposed to be a zombie game, but it all depends on how much I work on it. Theres one weapon, just a simple pistol. Then theres health, and up to 50 other npcs that will respond to getting shot with fire. The player physics is just about finished for now.

It's written in dark basic, which is a programming language thats alot easier to learn and use then C++, or even java.

edit: well since me and the image thing are going are seperate ways, I guess for now I'll just need to use an imageshack link. Hopefully it stays up


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15 Mar 2011, 5:20 pm

I'm about one fifth of the way through a properly alliterative (or at the very least assonant) translation of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. Finding it very slow going - I did a rough translation of the whole thing, but going from that rough stage to a proper poem is laborious, I keep having to check the meanings of words, every line needs to be grammatically altered and the alteration has to alliterate, and the original author could get away with things like spelling Gawain "Wawan" when he wanted, and had about a dozen words for "man" to choose from. :)

I also have a handful of miniatures halfway painted - I got a sudden urge to paint some a couple of months back (having not done so for a decade), zoomed through about fifty and halfway did a bunch more before getting bored. Limited duration obsessions. Also got a load of werewolf films to watch usw., books to read, generally got far too much I want to do but I end up sucked into computer games as much as ever. /wry

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15 Mar 2011, 11:42 pm

deadinhead wrote:
persian85033 wrote:
I have quite a few little projects. They include building my dollhouse, then starting to work on my jigsaw puzzles, making a Romanov family tree with all the grand dukes/grand duchesses, and my current reading projects are Asimov's extended Foundation series, Mrs.Murphy series, Plaidy's Queens of England/Stuart novels, and From Splendour to Revolution. And of course, watching the entire Monk series, as well as Law & Order CI(the ones on dvd, anyway, for now), and Pokemon, and adding to my collections.

cool do you have a picture of the dollhouse!! :D

I'll put some up when I finish on the outside. It shouldn't take too long. Just putting the smaller details around the windows. Then I begin on the inside.

"Of all God's creatures, there is only one that cannot be made slave of the leash. That one is the cat. If man could be crossed with the cat it would improve the man, but it would deteriorate the cat." - Mark Twain


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16 Mar 2011, 3:03 am

cool I would be delighted to see them :D
wow there is alot of diverse creativeness going on here! :D

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17 Mar 2011, 1:07 am

Cool castle! Even if it's not done. I'm interested to see the dollhouse too.

As for me I'm creating a little region of my own. It could be used for anything like stories but it's main purpose is to be a place to go to in my lucid dreams. So, no pictures because first I can't draw well and second everything'll be happening in my mind. I'm still developing things but I got the general idea for all seven towns. Each based on a color of the rainbow and five off the personality of the person I chose to be mayor of the town. I think I'll let my subconscious fill in details because then I don't have a say in the matter really so it'll be fun to see what I get. And I don't want to type up every detail. It's my head so I'll remember it most likely. So far I've yet to pay a visit to this place which is somewhat good seeing as it's not yet done.


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17 Mar 2011, 5:21 pm

BriannaBee wrote:
Cool castle! Even if it's not done. I'm interested to see the dollhouse too.

As for me I'm creating a little region of my own. It could be used for anything like stories but it's main purpose is to be a place to go to in my lucid dreams. So, no pictures because first I can't draw well and second everything'll be happening in my mind. I'm still developing things but I got the general idea for all seven towns. Each based on a color of the rainbow and five off the personality of the person I chose to be mayor of the town. I think I'll let my subconscious fill in details because then I don't have a say in the matter really so it'll be fun to see what I get. And I don't want to type up every detail. It's my head so I'll remember it most likely. So far I've yet to pay a visit to this place which is somewhat good seeing as it's not yet done.

that is really interesting I always wanted to do the same thing but every place I had I rejected as it just wasn't exactly what I wanted if you know what I mean....actually that is not entirely true:a favourite of mine was a city designed like in the 14th and 15th century to it was great you say ''go to''...unfortunately life has been so hectic this year and i feel like i just cant shut off reality like i used to...
I wish I could just be there to walk the narrow cobblestone streets,watch in a corner of the inn as people come and go,stand outside the the bakery and smell the bread as it cooks, see chickens pecking at the ground for their feed,watch children play a game of tag through the many lanes...ohh it would be so great to truely escape... :D :D

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17 Mar 2011, 6:06 pm

update these were taken this week when I began to etch/ingrave the stone design with the

etcher/ingraving machine:
here is me holding the small yet tricky machine(tricky because it whirrs about and to get the ingraving properly my hand has to be as staedy as a surgeons :? which when im nervous (project could fall apart if i go too deep) it is not):
another image taken up close:

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17 Mar 2011, 6:27 pm

I've been too absorbed in work and games to do anything creative lately. :( The last thing was over a year ago now.



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17 Mar 2011, 6:36 pm

Zen wrote:
I've been too absorbed in work and games to do anything creative lately. :( The last thing was over a year ago now.


awesome!!I love it! :D a self portrait or a relative?

I easily become depressed if I dont create something thing even if it is something small like beginner's oragami.the thought of not making something in a whole year gives me the shivers 8O ...the longest I have gone is a couple of months and I developed major depression (diagnosed).

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17 Mar 2011, 6:44 pm

Thanks. :) It is a self portrait.
I wish I could be comfortable with doing small things. I always end up fixated on something for hours on end. :lol:
