had both. Mice are stinky but cost less to feed. They are also more active than tree frogs. Frogs are awesome to look at. You can't touch them much, or you'll be potentially damaging their skin and stressing them out too much. They also have other requirements that can in some situations be difficult to achieve, such as humidity levels, temperatures, ect. I recommend buying an exo terra terranium. That way flies and such will not escape when inside the enclosure, and humidity/temperature requirements wil be easier to achieve. Forgot to add, they look very impressive for small enclosures. The risk of getting live bugs inside of the house, rather than in the enclosure or the "container" for bugs that you use is very low, their chance of survival is too, and the chance of breeding well that's even lower.. Especially if you're using fruit flies. You may want to ask your mom about her logic on not allowing bugs in the house, but allowing a mouse inside. The general feeder insect is not a destroyer of houses, mice on the other hand if escaped can ruin a whole bunch of things.
Don't you mind people grinnin' in your face