I agree that it sounds like depression. I have had episodes of major depression and also milder episodes. The main symptom for me is apathy. For me, depression isn't sadness, it's just apathy and inability to see how anything will ever be better or see that I have any options. Some people are sad when they are depressed. Some sleep all the time, some can't sleep at all but just want to lay in the bed.
You might want to look into some treatments for depression and do some research on how it can manifest and the levels of severity. From the way you come across you sound like mild depression to me, but it's hard to tell from typing and even if it were possible, I'm far from a professional, only someone who has had it herself.
With me, when I start getting mildly depressed I can sometimes hit on something to interest me and I can get out of it. Most of the time though when I start getting depressed it gets worse and worse until I am just laying around not doing anything because I just can't do anything. I function as long as I can, then I just can't anymore. I have to get back on the antidepressants then. Thats the only thing that helps me.
But, you might want to look into other kinds of therapies that you can do yourself. It's a good first line defense. I know logically that when I start feeling that way, that I should try and knock out the depression before it knocks me out, by going to the doctor early on, etc, but it's so hard to actually do it. There are all kinds of things on the internet. Sites that talk about how you think and what to say to yourself, things to do or not do, diet, exercise, herbal suppliments, vitamins, hypnosis, etc. If you aren't so depressed that you just can't do anything about it and also don't even see any point in trying to do something about it, then I think those kinds of things could help.
I do hope you feel better soon! Depression sucks.
I'm giving it another shot. We will see.
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