loss of interest in everything....

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01 Feb 2012, 9:31 am

just curious if anyone here ever gets a period of time (so far its been most of January) where they just lose intrerest in EVERYTHING?

most of last year, i was never out of this pub or that pub, and now i just cannot be bothered with booze

same with music, i used to listen to about at least 8 hours of music per day, now the same music (that i enjoyed so much that i could listen to over and over) just doesnt interest me, no music whatsoever does. it also annoys me because i need msuic to block out all the noise on the 6 hours worth of bus journeys i take everyday.

i feel like i just want to sleep all the time...

it used to be that the weeks leading up to xmas i would feel the worst possible, although that hasnt happened this year, so maybe that period of time just got delayed until now...?

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01 Feb 2012, 10:05 am

I went through a mini depression last summer, during which pretty much nothing could cheer me up. It only lasted for a few days, but it was a very miserable time for me.

What fresh hell is this?


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01 Feb 2012, 10:25 am

I have that rarely, but it doesn't really relate to depression for me it's just a moment of pure laziness, like I'd rather just lie down all day and watch something. But I shake out of it and draw something or play something :3

Please, if you are a female don't PM, IM or contact me in anyway. This isn't a joke, I've just simply had enough of all of you.



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01 Feb 2012, 10:28 am

Those are depressions, man. I also get mini depressions sometimes when I can't be able to get what I want socially-wise. I also get them after going out, getting wasted and then returning to normal sober life. Or when I like someone really really bad and find out that the person actually doesn't give a tiny $ about me. It's the feeling you get when you really really miss something and need it but you don't know what it is actually.


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01 Feb 2012, 10:49 am

Uprising wrote:
Or when I like someone really really bad and find out that the person actually doesn't give a tiny $ about me. It's the feeling you get when you really really miss something and need it but you don't know what it is actually.

both of those could be true actually 8O

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01 Feb 2012, 11:18 am

StevieC wrote:
Uprising wrote:
Or when I like someone really really bad and find out that the person actually doesn't give a tiny $ about me. It's the feeling you get when you really really miss something and need it but you don't know what it is actually.

both of those could be true actually 8O

Sounds like you are lovesick, the best thing you can do is go hunting after another girl or guy that suppresses the feelings you have about this certain person and who actually DOES feel the same about you as you feel about him/her.


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01 Feb 2012, 12:18 pm

Uprising wrote:
It's the feeling you get when you really really miss something and need it but you don't know what it is actually.

That's a pretty good way to describe it.


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01 Feb 2012, 3:03 pm

It does sound like you need something more in your life, but just haven't found it. I think we are all there, at least part of the time. Try going on a long walk with no end destination in mind and let your mind wander all over the place.


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02 Feb 2012, 4:02 pm

sluice wrote:
It does sound like you need something more in your life, but just haven't found it. I think we are all there, at least part of the time. Try going on a long walk with no end destination in mind and let your mind wander all over the place.

i do that almost every day 8O

the best thing you can do is go hunting after another girl or guy that suppresses the feelings you have about this certain person and who actually DOES feel the same about you as you feel about him/her.

not likely... :(

easier said than done

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02 Feb 2012, 4:12 pm

I go through periods of apathy where I can't bring myself to give two craps about anything.

Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men?

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02 Feb 2012, 4:13 pm

Is this person on the Interweb?


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02 Feb 2012, 4:28 pm

I went through all of that, when I was first diagnosed with Depression quite a few years ago. You should tell your family doctor everything that you told us. I hope things get better for you.


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02 Feb 2012, 5:05 pm

I agree with what the others have said. This sounds like depression. Depression makes you lose interest in everything and makes you feel miserable, hopeless, unfocused, out of energy and so on. Things that you would normally enjoy become uninteresting, things you would normally find easy become difficult.

This is what I used to feel like when I was depressed.

Maybe the depression hits you hardest at a specific time of the year. For many people it's the middle of winter, around December or January.

Depression is difficult to deal with, but it is treatable and there is no shame in asking for help. Things can get better, no matter how unlikely that may feel at the moment. I recommend that you talk to your doctor.

Good luck! I hope you'll feel better soon.


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03 Feb 2012, 9:13 pm

Uprising wrote:
Sounds like you are lovesick, the best thing you can do is go hunting after another girl or guy that suppresses the feelings you have about this certain person and who actually DOES feel the same about you as you feel about him/her.

so, アジアの彼氏を探しています then? :P

i dont want someone who supresses my feelings for someone else, i want someone i can love to bits for ever and ever :)

アジアの彼氏を探しています :)

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03 Feb 2012, 11:32 pm

I agree that it sounds like depression. I have had episodes of major depression and also milder episodes. The main symptom for me is apathy. For me, depression isn't sadness, it's just apathy and inability to see how anything will ever be better or see that I have any options. Some people are sad when they are depressed. Some sleep all the time, some can't sleep at all but just want to lay in the bed.

You might want to look into some treatments for depression and do some research on how it can manifest and the levels of severity. From the way you come across you sound like mild depression to me, but it's hard to tell from typing and even if it were possible, I'm far from a professional, only someone who has had it herself.

With me, when I start getting mildly depressed I can sometimes hit on something to interest me and I can get out of it. Most of the time though when I start getting depressed it gets worse and worse until I am just laying around not doing anything because I just can't do anything. I function as long as I can, then I just can't anymore. I have to get back on the antidepressants then. Thats the only thing that helps me.

But, you might want to look into other kinds of therapies that you can do yourself. It's a good first line defense. I know logically that when I start feeling that way, that I should try and knock out the depression before it knocks me out, by going to the doctor early on, etc, but it's so hard to actually do it. There are all kinds of things on the internet. Sites that talk about how you think and what to say to yourself, things to do or not do, diet, exercise, herbal suppliments, vitamins, hypnosis, etc. If you aren't so depressed that you just can't do anything about it and also don't even see any point in trying to do something about it, then I think those kinds of things could help.

I do hope you feel better soon! Depression sucks.

I'm giving it another shot. We will see.
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