BTDT wrote:
If you are on the same server, there is a recall feature in Outlook Express that can be used to "unsend" email.
BriannaBee wrote:
I can kind of un-send private messages on a different forum. The person who I sent it to can't read it if I delete it from my outbox, but it has to be deleted before they read it. You know, so it's still actually in the outbox.
Yes, and I believe the same thing is possible with PMs here on WP: They remain in the outbox and a notice is sent, but they can still be deleted altogether until they are actually "picked up" by the addressee/s.
@OP: I have occasionally done the same thing and inadvertently clicked "Reply to all", and I have also actually "sent" something I had only meant to store in "Drafts" until later on.
Suggestion: Maybe you could get used to only sending things to your "drafts" folders, and to then go do the actual e-mailing from there?
That would require just a little extra effort for double-checking things before they actually get sent.
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