It was amazing to find people who understood. It has also changed my outlook - I now let myself stim, tell people that I don't understand, etc. I feel as though it's OK to be the way I am now - yes it's still annoying at times, but now I know why I am as I am, and it's also helped because I've confided in a few people and they're helpful in that they'll tell me if something's inappropriate, or whether I'm supposed to be doing something I'm not. I no longer wish to change - at one point I felt so frustrated and annoyed I just wanted to die. (I wouldn't have killed or harmed myself because my beliefs prevent that, and I'm now very glad for that.)
I hve learned so much about myself, and I've also now become more open-minded. If someone does or says something inappropriate I have learned to accept it - after all; I don't know what their reasoning is behind it, whereas before I'd have just been annoyed at them for whatever.
I have also met a friend through this website who shares my religious beliefs and understands certain situations better than others would. (If you read this you know who you are )
Um, yeah. It's changed my outlook completely, in a very positive way.
Spectrumite ... somewhere.