Hey btw i copied and pasted it the wrong way lol, that was actually my facebook page by accident lol and i think it made people log on to my account
, someone was talking about there being a WP group on facebook, where we can not only talk on here but on Facebook as well, and well, i found this page on facebook about AS people who think wrongplanet is harmful, that i found a little disturbing in a way . i believe its called Wrongplanet for Aspies, and when you click on it it will say its for Aspies who think wrongplanet is harmful, i dont get how you could think wrongplanet is more harmful to an aspie than helpful. I met some amazing people on here and ive been helped out so much, ive been helped out more on this site than anyone has in Real life and i couldnt be happier after i joined
. And it hasnt just helped me, its helped me to understand autism as a whole, there are more and more kids out there being born with Autism, which means there are more and more parents out there who will need to understand their childrens autism, Maybe my own son or daughter will be born autistic? and i will need to know how to handle them and understand them.. there needs to be more teachers who know how to handle an autistic kids meltdown in the classroom, Or any job where you deal with people really, because im sure one day youll run into an autistic person, And the truth is, everyone needs to understand Autism, because you never know,It could be your neighbor, your student, your sibling, even your own child. it could be anyone, and we need to understand autism, because after we learn to understand autistic people, we can learn to love them for the beautiful people that they really are.
It is not gods dream that carries out our duties, it is our duties that carry out gods dream
Last edited by bradt4evr on 06 Aug 2011, 11:43 pm, edited 5 times in total.