What sort of thing do you dream about?

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20 May 2011, 5:07 pm

I know we dream different dreams every night, but I think dreams are quite interesting, and I was just wondering what sorts of things others dream about, or what sorts of things do you normally have nightmares about.

Do you have the same sorts of dreams, only they appear differently each night, as though it's like a series of episodes? For example, a lot of the times I dream about severe weather, only obviously each dream is different to the last, even though it's about the same thing as the last. But when I dream about weather, usually it's in short snaps.

I seem to dream about my fears a lot. My fears are fires, being sick, spiders, embarrassment, loud sudden noises, teenagers. and snow - and I guarantee you that I will dream about at least one of those every night, even if it's in short snaps. I must have a fear of death too, because I dream a lot about something coming along what will kill me (even though I never actually die in the dream).

But the longest dreams I have seem to be about being back at school, even though I've left school about 4 years now. These dreams go on for ages, and I can almost remember them fully when I wake up. I really don't know why they're about school.
But lately I keep having dreams about buses. This might be because my special interest is buses, and I fancy some of the bus-drivers, so they're also in it too (which I like). But often I dream about missing the bus, or going out at the very last minute to catch one then rushing, or being delayed and then panicking about the time.

Normally, though, my dreams are about constant panic. Anyone else have dreams related to your fears, personality, and so on?



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20 May 2011, 5:20 pm

My recurring dreams are variations on two dreams that most people have:

1. Flying. This reflects how optimistic I feel the more optimistic, the higher I fly. I usually only fly about an inch off the ground, and flying much higher is dangerous - a single second's lapse of effort means I crash to the ground and die.

2. Going to school and being unprepared. I am 42, but still sometimes dream of going to school, knowing I have skipped a lot of classes and the exams are coming close. The irony is that in real life I was a nerd who always did well at class, but this dream is really about my life's bigger plans.

My dreams are always really easy to interpret.


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20 May 2011, 5:35 pm

I sometimes have nightmares of falling from tall heights or being nude/semi-nude in public, both of which are some of my biggest fears.

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20 May 2011, 5:40 pm

My dreams are often based on things that I did recently, though some are strange, and too hard to explain unless I was to type this just after waking up from one of them.

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20 May 2011, 5:44 pm

I dream about............

1. The guys in my favourite band, Great Big Sea

2. Death of me or another person

3. Doing immoral things

4. Things going wrong

I have never had a flying dream. I have had dream about flying in airplanes, usually when I have one of these dreams, it's about a plane crash, or a less serious going wrong on the airplane, so I don't like them.

My dreams are often about my fears, even minor ones. Like I have dreams about missing the bus because I kind of afraid of that. (The bus I take doesn't come very often). Usually, I dream that I got to the bus stop in time, but other circumstances caused me to miss it.

I was once told a story about a person who the drive drove right past for no good reason, and I am a bit afraid of that happening.

Once I dreamed they had moved the bus stop and changed the route a bit, however, the bus driver forgot and took the regular route and never came back.

Another time, I was at the bus stop and bus driver drove right past me.


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20 May 2011, 5:50 pm

I always dream about zombies - some interesting, some horrifying.

I have a lot of sex dreams too.

My dreams are no longer all that interesting, they used to be varied and very fantasy-based, now they're a little more realistic and almost always about not being able to get what I need/want - easy to interpret.


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20 May 2011, 6:08 pm

I usually dream about:

School - I dropped out of school when I was 16, and the majority of my dreams take place either at my elementary school or junior high, or a weird hybrid of the two (I never went to high school, unless you choose to count 9th grade as high school). In these dreams, the ceiling is very high and the hallways and staircases are long and winding. I always have trouble finding the right classroom, and if I do find the right classroom, I am always late. Sometimes I skip class to try to find the counselor, or I go to the art room to work on art projects. Sometimes I also go eat lunch in the cafeteria or go out to recess.

Video games - I dream that the world is a platformer video game like Banjo-Kazooie, Super Mario 64 or Donkey Kong 64. Everything is brightly colored and looks CGI, and I have to do typical video game things like jump over lava, swim in water, collect items and defeat bosses. When I dream about these things, everything feels average, but when I wake up and reflect on it, it seems pretty cool.

Special Interests - Every once in awhile I get lucky and dream about my obsessions. It usually happens when my my level of interest is in the "waning" phase of its "waxing and waning" cycle. I think that when my level of interest wanes, my subconscious goes into panic mode and tries to "win back" my obsession by making me have dreams about it. For some reason the majority of my special interest-related dreams have revolved around Charlie and the Chocolate Factory or Nightmare Before Christmas. I have also seen the Mad Hatter (Johnny Depp version) and Mrs. Lovett in my dream worlds as well.


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20 May 2011, 6:13 pm

My dreams are usually x-rated. :lol:

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20 May 2011, 7:34 pm

I often dream about labyrinths of long warping dark corridors after reading H,P Lovecraft stories.
Sometimes my dreams are greatly influenced by games, eg: last night my dreams world was made of block, from playing minecraft. a few nights ago, it was based on portal with aspects of Saucery.
I've also often dreamt about something more simple like examining slides under a microscope.


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20 May 2011, 8:18 pm

I dream about the things that are going on in my life at any given time. I also dream about special interests and work.

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20 May 2011, 10:08 pm

I dream about horrible evil things and then I wake up and only remember bits and pieces like eating something that tasted awful and left a nasty aftertaste.

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21 May 2011, 3:37 am

i dream about exciting things that happened in the day, old friends i no longer see, living in my old house, cats, flying, being chased or hunted, sex, love, being hurt. my dreams will have horror or fantasy themes- more so than usual.


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21 May 2011, 5:11 am

I dream mainly about being chased, or attacked. Which is cheery. Lots of wolves, men in shadows, gangs of people.

I also dream a lot about my old place of work, which I left over 3 and a half years ago. They are very detailed dreams, and I normally wake up quite stressed from them.

Last night I dreamed I found little piles of money on the ground all the way home. There was a fierce Yorkshire Terrier and an old man trying to talk to me. As I got to the bottom of my street I heard teenage boys laughing aggressively. As I went up my street I was met by a white goose. I arrived home to find an old housemate living there, I found out this week she is getting married. She had brought a huge bird cage into the house. As I tried to close the front door a black wolf arrived, and was trying to force the door open. I managed to get the front door closed. I ran for the back door, and was losing the battle to get it locked. The black wolf was just coming around the door when I woke up.

When I was on Effexor I had the most lurid, violent and exhausting dreams every night.


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21 May 2011, 5:18 am

I usually dream about the same few people, and often I have dreams about someone where they morph or change into something I don't want them to. Like my friend from school turning into a kid or a dog or something.
I dream about my special interests, virtually every other night I'll have a dream where apes are involved, whether it's the main plot or just one of the characters. Recently I've had an increasing amount of dreams about talking chimps. And the morphing thing also applies, I had a dream a few nights ago that these twin circus chimps turned into 3 year old humans (very slowly, so they were in between for a while).
I have romantic dreams but rarely sexual ones, just cutesy stuff.
My dreams are often set in places I know in real life but they always look totally different.

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21 May 2011, 1:14 pm

Once I dreamed about being under the water, at the bottom of the ocean, and I still remember the colours to this day (because normally people forget the colours in their dreams). It was strange, because I've never really been underwater before (because I don't like getting my head under), but the whole dream was realistically underwater (the only unreal thing about it was I was breathing underwater without no diver suit or anything).

I often have dreams about eating something, then being told that it was 3 years out of date, or contaminated, or not cooked properly, or completely sugar-free mints (sugar-free mints don't agree with me!). Those dreams are horrible, because that sort of thing can happen in real life.



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21 May 2011, 1:49 pm


(In case anyone is wondering, it's a long story. :lol: )

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