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Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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02 Jun 2011, 1:07 am

I'm a little alarmed. When I searched for my name in quotes, I got my Facebook (three times), the Facebooks of three of my friends, and various other things related to my personal life, including high school newsletters. When I searched for my username, I got this site, my personal journal (which, thankfully, is and always has been friends-locked), and my profile on TVTropes. But aside from all these things, when I searched for my full name in quotes I got a bunch of background check sites that publicly gave out information about not only me, but also a number of my family members, including things that none of them had authorized anyone to divulge. My parents have always been awful with internet security, but neither of them goes online that often, anyway. I'm just worried they gave out too much information about me and my personal security might also be at risk.... :?

My old usernames have also begun to show up on Google, so I'm glad that I don't use them anymore and that I never gave out anything more personal than my age or my, uh, sexuality (which is apparently the top result from one Google search for my oldest and most used username). I didn't know Google cared that I am asexual so much....

Have you ever Googled yourself? What about your username? Find anything good or bad? I'm not really sure if all the stuff I'm finding is either of those.


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02 Jun 2011, 1:18 am

I googled my name and I found my Myspace page on the fourth page of results and, to my surprise, my Friendster page which I set up three and a half years ago and completely forgot about until now. :lol:

What fresh hell is this?


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02 Jun 2011, 1:50 am

Err! I thought that the internet was supposed to be open and searchable. Thank goodness that it is. It is the main reason I use it.

If I search the internet using my real name. I get dosens of hits, mostly about my work over the years. I also get hits about some of my private life, but only where I have published information on web sites.

Internet security ought to be taken seriously by all. If you are concerned about being recognised, dont have a username that you can easily be linked to and don't make it known to anybody that you do not want to know. Make sure that your profile is sufficiently anonimous to make recognition unlikely.

I have nothing to hide with respect to this site, so I am a little relaxed. I would not like anybody to get hold of my bank details though.


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02 Jun 2011, 3:28 am

I googled my username, my real name and so on and I get quite a lot of results from it. 8O
Yea, the internet scares me. :lol:

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02 Jun 2011, 5:25 am

Googled myself and lol, there is an opera singer with the same name and sirname that I got.


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02 Jun 2011, 1:11 pm

It would seem I'm the only person with my name who can be Googled. I found three sites which are about me. The first is "" (not a site I've ever used), which has my name, age, and the city I used to live in. Then there is one that is me on, but it doesn't have any information on me. Then there is one with my name on the Dean's List from a couple of years ago. There is also a link to a US Census site which says that there are five people in the US who have the same first and last name as me. Interesting! I've never met someone with my surname before and it seems I'm not likely to meet someone with the same full name. The most personal or damning information which can be found about me if you search deeply enough seems to be that I am related to my sister.

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02 Jun 2011, 1:14 pm

Google search my name, company products pop up.

Google search my old name, myspace and facebook pop up but they're not mine. Even Netflix pops up with a movie because a person played in it who had the same name as me. Lot of web pages pop up I am not even on. Also linkedin pops up and fine art america, I have nothing to do with those places.

Google Spokane Girl, one of my avatars I use on a forum pops up and other webpages that have nothing to do with me. Also a WP thread popped up and my AFF profile, my fanfiction account, and some website I don't even go to and someone has that same username as I have. I know it's not me because of the date on that comment and the fact she said she had one last month which would make it December. Mine was in August of 2009. And I have never seen that place before. I wonder if that's what some people mean by contradictions, they think those Spokane Girl's are me. :?

Google likedcalico, my okcupid profile pops up, some forum that is dead, AFF, an old forum I was a mod on that is dead, a youtube video I commented on two years ago, a WP thread in the stats section about members obsessions, some website with an old diaper commercial I commented on years ago assuming it's my comment, onthespectrum forum, my youtube video I posted, an old story forum that is now dead, and other websites that have nothing to do with me.

Google league girl, bunch of websites pop up that have nothing to do with me. Also Twitter pops up because someone also uses that name.

I have also googled my email addresses, and screen names.


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02 Jun 2011, 1:16 pm

When I google my name nothing comes up about me. I might be called a little bit paranoid, I use my real name as little as possible. The only things I can find are from the mid 90s when I was doing my degree, and that's in an old name to the one I use now.


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02 Jun 2011, 1:16 pm

despite having an uncommon name I am surprisingly ungoogleable(:
the only one actually related to me is my old school website.
the rest: a couple of facebook profiles of people that share my name, some ancestry websites (about dead people who share my name?), some of those creepy 'track people down' / 'we know where onestepbeyond lives' type sites, and amazon links for some books written in the early 20th century.

im not an open book


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02 Jun 2011, 1:19 pm

Googling my name doesn't bring anything up on me. There's a bunch of results for someone else with a similar name, though. :D

My username, though... holy crap! Someone has a youtube account under it! Also, an old profile of mine from another site (that was deleted last year...) shows up. 8O

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02 Jun 2011, 1:27 pm

I googled my real name and it only found my father. There are zero results for me.

My previous online nickname that I've had for 10 years had no results pertaining to me; though other peoples' info came up.

My current online nickname (mollytroubletail) that I've had for two years, mostly shows some of my WP posts and a couple of other sites where I have posted. No personal information.


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02 Jun 2011, 1:33 pm

Chummy wrote:
Googled myself and lol, there is an opera singer with the same name and sirname that I got.

You've given it away now! Everyone will know your real name is Luciano Pavarotti. :wink:

I've left WP indefinitely.


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02 Jun 2011, 1:34 pm

There is a website named after my username, I dare not look for my real name.

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02 Jun 2011, 1:36 pm

As far as my first name/surname goes, there's some field hockey coach who apparently had some bad injury... Then some author (never heard of), and a psychotherapist, and some imbecile with a Myspace account...
Then my username is all me, as far as I can tell.


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02 Jun 2011, 1:38 pm

Holy crap! :cry: I just looked up my real name and found a link to my obituary! 8O

I've left WP indefinitely.


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02 Jun 2011, 2:01 pm

8.1 million results

Apparently there is a state house rep and a musician that share my name.
Some things to do with athletics that I did and some work I did in school.
Nothing bad overall as far as I can see from the first few pages.