In order to create a more perfect union, I hold these truths to be self evident:
Everyone should be left the HELL alone.
Three is a crowd and four is a mob, five is a riot. Six or seven ... forget it!
If you don't know me, introduce yourself to my dog, first. We'll go from there.
There will be no "louder than creation" toilets inside tiled public restrooms.
Animals are to be respected, especially at the point where they become food.
There will be no standing in line.
Cars driving by will only make the sound of soft pleasant music and will smell like fresh rain.
Everyone gets an injury free 'Fun Room' to play in.
All grocery stores will deliver at no extra charge.
Growing your own is recommended.
All visiting NTs wear identifying vests, visible from all sides.
The only things ever stolen are glances.
Work environments offer stim rooms for quick rejuvination after tasks, if necessary.
Making music is considered work, unless you do it for fun only.
It's just music for me. The other stims don't work.