Declension wrote:
Think of it this way: If a million people each flip a coin twenty times, then it is almost certain that some of the people will get twenty heads in a row.
The percentage chance of that happening is something less than 0.0001%. That's greater than 1,000,000 to 1. This is not to say that it is inevitable that 1 out of 1,048,576 people will be certain to get 20 'heads' in a row, but that the odds of it happening are
literally microscopic.
Declension wrote:
If astrology is false, then it is still statistically likely that insane astrological coincidences happen every day. You are just the lucky recipient of one of these insane coincidences.
a. There is no valid empirical evidence to support any claim of accuracy in astrological predictions.
b. Absence of evidence, while not evidence of absence, is sufficient cause for reasonable doubt.
: : It is reasonable to doubt the validity of any claim of accuracy in astrological predictions.
Conversely, it is
unreasonable to believe in the validity of any claim of accuracy in astrological predictions.