My neighbor is gone for the summer. Before she left, she asked about 5 neighbors and 1 friend if they wouldn't mind feeding her cats while she was away. She drew up a schedule, and we each chose a week or two. Since her 2 cats are outdoors all the time, and their feeding dishes are on the front porch, the responsibilities are simple; feed the kitties 2 scoops a day from the large plastic container left on the porch, and provide them with fresh drinking water. And pet them, of course!
The week that I was assigned went well. This week, the friend was supposed to take over. Here is where it all fell apart. First, my landlord decided to replace a floor in my vacationing neighbor's house. They've got power tools and other rubbish on the porch, making it impossible for the cats to eat there, not that they would with all the racket and upheaval! Second, the person who has kitty duty this week has never shown up. I've had to move their feeding dishes and container of food to a concrete picnic table on the property. Third, and worse, the rainy season has officially began, and the poor kitties have to hide under the house while their food is getting rained on. Today, I went out to feed them and saw that the container of cat food got knocked over and half of it had spilled all over the ground.
I am getting overwhelmed. My neighbor is out of the country, and I hate to bother her, but this has gotten out of control. I thought of feeding the cats on the porch of the house next door to their owner, but I am not sure what the person's name is that lives there, so that I can ask permission. I have a list of the email addresses of all who agreed to feed the cats, but again I am not sure who lives in what house. This is making me crazy, because I hate to see the cats suffer so.
Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.
-- Dr. Dale Turner