Well, would you adam and eve it, I got meself 100%.
Had to guess a couple, mind. And I don't agree with one of the questions. Now bear in mind I'm from Sussex and not London, but round here a Sherbert Dab is a cigarette: sherbert dab = tab = cigarette. As in "Hoy us a tab!" ("Please give me a cigarette").
Some people also use Sherbert as a euphamism for a pint of beer, but I have no idea how that works.
My favourite at the moment is "scooby", as in "I haven't got a scooby, mate!". Scooby Doo = clue. "Radio Rental" always makes me laugh, too.
Two phrases I've heard but don't understand are "Good arrers!" (arrows?) when someone says or does something good, and "Job's a carrot!" when a job is nearly finished and all is going well. Can anyone explain these?
The Sociable Hermit says: