A couple of days ago i was going to a usual doctors appointment with my psychiatrist. While i was sitting in the waiting room a 19 yr old boy walked in and sat down, he was attended by a nurses aid of some sort, it was one of those people who attend autistic people when they go to appointments, as soon as he sat down she moved across the room, and when he went to sit downn next to her she said "oh No, you sit over there, your fine there" because she wanted nothing to do with him, i felt so bad for the poor kid but never said anything. then a severely autistic 16 yr old boy came in unattended by his mother, and he was having a typical autistic fit, yelling loudly random things, making noises, stomping etc, and the woman at the desk was giving him horrible nasty looks and acting like A total Bi#@ch like the 19 yr olds aid. then, then the severely autistic boy burst into laughter, and when the 19 yr old boy asked why he was laughing, a young child spoke up and said in disgust, "hes autistic" . and then, An amazing thing happened, the 19 yr old boy stood up and looked us all in the eye, and said, "there is nothing wrong with Autism, im Adhd, ocd, and i have an anxiety disorder, i am who i am and i have nothing to be ashamed of". before that boy left he shook hands with everyone in the room, and said nice meeting all of you have a wondeful day. i admired him greatly, and i only hope that in a situation like that ill have a strong spirit like his to do the same
It is not gods dream that carries out our duties, it is our duties that carry out gods dream