Jory wrote:
There are plenty of words I avoid simply because I can't pronounce them correctly. Unfortunately, I also have a very poor memory, so I can't think of any examples to list.
Me too. My worst words are "world" and "girl", I always struggle to say them. Occasionally I mix up "r" with "l" and vice versa (like saying "youl" for "your") and sometimes "r" with "w". I have no idea why I have so much trouble with them, and so far I have no theories.
MXH wrote:
not in english but puertorican spanish is known by skipping some Rs for Ls
I've read that quite a few people in Central America have speech impediments where they can't make taps or trills (or can't easily), and tend to use an "r" that's more like in English, because of a malformed tongue, like
this singer for example. Likewise, when speaking a language with taps and/or trills, I can have trouble with them.