OliveOilMom wrote:
Maybe it's because even though they are in the US, they still celebrate their own culture and heritage. We dont require people to abandon their background when they come here. They can also still love their own country.
Well, up to a point, but would you want areas of the U.S. to look like foreign enclaves?
I'm not suggesting for one moment that immigrants automatically have to become Borg-like in their dedication to their new country or that they shouldn't socialise with family and friends, eat food they're used to, watch TV from their own country sometimes, pray and so on (whilst also integrating into the new country and sharing elements of their old culture with the host nation) but you really don't want to go the other way either with separatist ethnic enclaves within your country where only immigrants from certain countries live and where many people in these enclaves despise the host country. We have that in some areas of European cities and it's something you really don't want.