Well, if I could write a speech and have it air on national television, I'd stress how we need to stand up as one and reform our government into a more honest institution, where those we elect work for us instead of whomever offers them the most money. Money itself would be my next suggestion for an overhaul, for Federal Reserve Notes are worthless in themselves, only thing that gives them any value is how much of them is in circulation at any time, which is solely regulated by the Federal Reserve, which itself is a private bank which answers to its owners, not our government or the people. There are other things I'd like to say, such as giving a kick-start to green energy and reducing our impact on the planet, but they have to come after we get the others sorted.
However, the important bit is not actually writing a speech, it's having people LISTEN to it and actually give two hoots about it to DO SOMETHING, for let's face it, most just don't care anymore about anything, and would rather watch The Voice or American Idol or get on Facebook than anything else.