over9000 wrote:
try looking up webpages on how to do it.
Anyway, the most effective method I use is pinching my nose and breathing. If I can still breathe through it, I know I'm dreaming. I get into the habit of doing it in real life so that I do it in a dream too. Other methods include looking in a mirror for abnormalities (not recommended if you are prone to nightmares), jumping up and down, checking a digital clock (or any digital text) twice to see if it makes any odd changes, etc. Pinching yourself isn't effective because your nerves treat it as real. I once got shot with a gun in a dream, and it hurt. Probably not as much as in real life, but still.....
Once you know how to gain awareness, the hardest part is staying in the dream state. Stay still, feel around your surroundings so they feel real to you. Do whatever it takes to deny your brain the sensation of lying in bed.
My favourite was jumping. I would jump at random intervals during the day. Eventually, I started jumping in my dreams, and invariably the gravity was odd. I had some
Crouching Tiger/Hidden Dragon style dreams, leaping 60 foot into and out of trees, was pretty cool.
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