Fnord wrote:
Corollary: They are so heavily fixated on their flaws that they have blinded themselves to their own potential for improvement and growth.
That says a LOT!! ! My young son (12) who is an aspie does that when he gets upset over homework. He's in honors math and will blame the fact that he has no one to talk to at lunch
as the reason why he didn't follow a basic rule of math. I tell him time and time again that he's going to school to get an education so he can have a more comfortable and potentially successful life. Lunch is a half of an hour and the school day of learning is way longer.
I knew a girl who put her whole life on hold because she didn't feel worthy to educate herself until she lost 75 pounds. She could've done both at the same time!! She NEVER lost the weight and suffers daily doing a mundane, low-paying job. The job made her get even bigger which is VERY bad for her health. She didn't look at the big picture and focused on stupid s**t.
Ya know, some jerk made a comment about how I dressed at a nightclub (jeans and a dancetop) - I guess to ruin my night. I told him I was there to have a good time with my friends not to compete with the other girls for GOD KNOWS WHAT or for him. It's like saying I'm too fat to go to a gym. That's what gyms are for. Other over-critical people CAN INDEED make you focus on what's not important because they are shallow. Shallow families can really F up kid or people who fret over silly things might just have some form of OCD where they can't focus.