Memories that come to me presently:
* Asking a girl in pre-primary to sit on my face. (dont know why, but she did it!)
* Booting a basket ball as hard as I could to upset the principal watching (year 5)
* Round the twist (a certain show we were forced to watch)
* Bringing a mouse home from school, feeding him so much he got REALLY fat.
* Year 7 - freaking out all of a sudden and refusing to go to school for the last 2 weeks.
* Year 5 - Being told off for picking my nose.
* Year 7 - Someone releasing their bowels in my bike helmet and leaving it in the urinal.
* Being tickled by my brother and rolling through a huge window.
* My dog sitting on a bee and whining in the most heart wrenching manner.
* A school dance year 5, playing sardines, with 2 other boys, meaning one person hides, when each gets found the others join them.
* Wondering how a couple of kids didn't get rhythym in choir, how they danced and hit things all spastically out of time.
* Reading out loud in early years, wondering why everyone read so slow.
* Riding my bike to school, cutting across a huge park through the water.
* Getting in trouble in year 4 for slamming my hands on the desk
* Winning the paper-plane making competition in year 5.
* Computing class year 5, wondering why others found them so hard to use.
* Students made the teacher cry in year 5, I didn't understand how it worked.
* Meeting an autistic boy in year 4, going over his house, he'd built around 300 model planes, he amazed me but I never saw him again.
* Being thrown into the wall by my mum, for smashing a door for the 3rd time, I put a HUGE hole in the damn thing.
* Making electronics with my cousin, shocked his sister, it was supposed to be a foot warmer!
* Reading lotr after the teacher read the hobbit to us in year 3, I remember thinking if I memorised all the words I might be able to understand the other kids.
Whoah.. I didn't know I remembered this much, theres plenty more but I'll stop before it never ends. It seems the more I face myself and problems now, the more the past reveals itself to me.
All hail the new flesh, cause it suits me fine!